Answer to "Change!"


New member
I'm glad I started such an on-running discussion with "Change", I hope y'all understand that sometimes I can't stay to chat, as much as I'd like to, so I put up some quick thoughts off the top of my head.
But to answer a few of you: Yes, I know a big part of the problem lies with the Repub. vs. Democrat Game, it's how they keep us hopping from one foot to the other, while they pick our pockets, and take the Freedoms that the Founders, in their wisdom, made it difficult to do.

But when Politicians REALLY want to go against the Constitution, like with Gun Control, or McCain-Feingold, Abortion, or ANY stripping of Freedoms and Liberties, they say "Well, the Constitution is OLD, and it's a different WORLD today, THAT'S why it's OK to kill babies, or prevent a Law-Abiding citizen from protecting his family from a NAMBLA ACLU-Protected Pedophile, Serial Killer, or Serial Rapist that was given "Early Release", because we must "understand" and "feel the pain" of these pathological sociopaths. We help BREED them with the 137 Murders and Rapes they see before they're 4 years old, then when we send them to school, we pass laws that say we CAN'T say the word GOD, we CAN'T say anthing they do is WRONG, because THAT would be "Judgemental", and might affect their "self-esteem". We want them to have HIGH "self-esteem", when they start their Murder and Rape Career, so they will think HIGHLY of themselves, and be HARDER to CATCH.

So I agree, we don't need a Republican or a Democrat. What we NEED, is a man who will finally STAND UP, and say "This country is going straight to Hell."
Not how he will take more of our hard-earned money to fund the study of Cow Farts, or to fund Cable TV and Weight-Training for Killers in Jail, so they can be well-entertained, and Bulk Up with an extra 50 lbs. of solid muscle, so when he gets out, he can rape your daughter, and snap her neck MUCH easier.
I know, I know, I can feel your lips moving next to my ear, "Right Wing Nut Job", "He's in a Mental Institution", etc. What many of you, exept the wise few I've talked to off this site, are AFRAID to ADMIT, is the fact that I am
about HALF of America, plus the balls to say what they are only THINKING.
See, because Political Correctness has beaten DOWN so many of you, the Left, the Media, the Lawyers (all one in the same, BTW, have I ever told you my HML Conglomerate Theory? That's Hollywood, Media Elite, and Legal Profession, the group that brought you "Man-Made Global Warming", and many other scams to make money, and CONTROL the Population. But I digress.)
We NEED a man, no MANY MEN, to run for office that will, for ONCE, not be AFRAID to tell us what our REAL PROBLEMS, not "Health Care", not "Iraq", not even "The Economy", which is cyclical, and will be booming again, with a little incentive in the right direction (tax cuts, spending cuts, an OVERHAUL of our Trade Policy, from someone with a little BALLS(sorry, Hillary) But then again, I wonder..........We need people who will not be afraid to stand up and say to America, "I am bound and determined to FIX as many of our problems as I can. But to fix any problem, we must ADMIT what our problems are." And to Blackflag, I think it was, I KNOW Romney is not the Perfect Conservative. But he's the MOST Conservative, out of the candidates still running. Huckabee is a selfish, Liberal phony. He needs to get OUT of the race, he KNOWS he has NO CHANCE, but he has a CRUSH on McCain, and he's such a Religion Racist, he would rather DIE before he helps a Morman become President, even though Romney is the MOST Conservative, which is what Huckabee saya HE is(the guy who raised Arkansas taxes $50,000,000 while Governor, and wanted Illegal Immigrants to get Free Taxpayer-Funded College tuition. No WONDER he and Mccain love each other.
On my last point, I heard Hillary screaming again, answering a question about GIVING FINES to people who don't WANT her "Hillarycare". She said, "Well, there's LOTS of ways to do things, not just ONE WAY." Which means FINES, in ClintonParseSpeak. She said "We also can just "AUTOMATICALLY SIGN PEOPLE UP", which means she will FORCE them to take what SHE offers. What happened to FREEDOM, Hmmmmm? She then said, "And I'm gonna TAKE TEN BILLION DOLLARS FROM THE MILITARY, ALSO" Oh, yes, we don't NEED a Military, Hillary!! We know that you and Slick Willie don't LIKE the Military anyway, they always vote against you. We don't need a Military to stop people who take Mentally Retarted Girls, strap Bombs to them, them send them into a crowd of people they don't like, and THEN, push the button, on the Remote Control in their hands. Just like T.V.!! No, Hillary, we don't need to stop THOSE kinds of people.
What can I say..............

but if I were borne with a silver spoon in my mouth ...I would be running for president(Takes mucho bucks,sorry to say)...ain't gonna happen just yet...most likely not in the few years I have left...but this is a wake-up call to the morons who live for the 'High' moment, not their kids future..enough' said...