Anti Free Market


Well-known member
I have had a change of heart and am now against free market principles and support government and price controls in the economy. Why the switch? $12 Jack & Cokes. I'm sick of them.

A "working man" deserves to sit down at a bar and not have a cocktail cost more than his hourly wage. What's this country coming to when a man buys a round of drinks and it costs him a full day of wages?

We the people must rise up against greedy "Big Alcohol" and greedy "Big Bar Owners" and have the government step in and force the cost of a cocktail to be no higher than minimum wage. In fact I support the price of a cocktail being less than minimum wage.

Having an affordable cocktail is an American birthright and something worth fighting for.
What's really bad is what you're paying 12 bucks for. I mean, if it was a martini or a mojito...but 12 bucks for coca cola and bathtub moonshine. I don't know Cawacko.
What's really bad is what you're paying 12 bucks for. I mean, if it was a martini or a mojito...but 12 bucks for coca cola and bathtub moonshine. I don't know Cawacko.

Whatch it, never speak ill of Mr. Daniels. It also cost $12 for a Kettle One on the rocks last night. And $12 for a Red Bull and Vodka. Unexceptable.
Whatch it, never speak ill of Mr. Daniels. It also cost $12 for a Kettle One on the rocks last night. And $12 for a Red Bull and Vodka. Unexceptable.

Well you live in San Francisco, that's how much drinks are here too. Even more for a martini in plenty of places. I know, it is out of hand.
Whatch it, never speak ill of Mr. Daniels. It also cost $12 for a Kettle One on the rocks last night. And $12 for a Red Bull and Vodka. Unexceptable.

I agree. Unexpectable. And why drink Jack? I mean its good, but Evan Williams is better and 1/3 the price. Tooth #8 preferred Mr. Williams to Mr. Daniel.
I agree. Unexpectable. And why drink Jack? I mean its good, but Evan Williams is better and 1/3 the price. Tooth #8 preferred Mr. Williams to Mr. Daniel.
Yah, but tooth number 8 had a bad liver, and what appears to be faulty taste buds. Guinness is the drink of Tooth 18, my former permanent baby tooth replaced with an exact replica of said baby tooth...
Yah, but tooth number 8 had a bad liver, and what appears to be faulty taste buds. Guinness is the drink of Tooth 18, my former permanent baby tooth replaced with an exact replica of said baby tooth...

Tooth #18 sounds like a poser. Tooth #8 had an awful lot of balls, he was brown and not shy.
Never been to a market where stuff was free.
Anyway, why drink in a bar? much cheaper at home and less likely to get a DUI.

Taxes are much too low on alcoholic beverages anyway.
Cheap brands of beer here cost just a bit more than MT Dew.
I have had a change of heart and am now against free market principles and support government and price controls in the economy. Why the switch? $12 Jack & Cokes. I'm sick of them.


A "working man" deserves to sit down at a bar and not have a cocktail cost more than his hourly wage. What's this country coming to when a man buys a round of drinks and it costs him a full day of wages?


We the people must rise up against greedy "Big Alcohol" and greedy "Big Bar Owners" and have the government step in and force the cost of a cocktail to be no higher than minimum wage. In fact I support the price of a cocktail being less than minimum wage.


Having an affordable cocktail is an American birthright and something worth fighting for.

Never been to a market where stuff was free.
Anyway, why drink in a bar? much cheaper at home and less likely to get a DUI.

Taxes are much too low on alcoholic beverages anyway.
Cheap brands of beer here cost just a bit more than MT Dew.

Why drink at a bar? Do women just show up at your door to drink at your house with you? If so may I ask your secret?

The good Lord has blessed someone with the entreprenerial mind to create taxi cabs which help with the avoidence of DUI's.
Why drink at a bar? Do women just show up at your door to drink at your house with you? If so may I ask your secret?

The good Lord has blessed someone with the entreprenerial mind to create taxi cabs which help with the avoidence of DUI's.

I don't know you all that well, but you drink like a fish, are a capitalist, and gamble. You're allright in my book.