Anti-gay church to protest at funerals


Villified User
Anti-gay church to protest at funerals
By Steve Lannen

BARDSTOWN - Two days removed from one of its greatest tragedies, Bardstown officials and residents absorbed a second gut punch as word spread that members of a controversial Kansas church plan to protest at the funerals of 10 victims who died Tuesday in a house fire.

Bardstown's mayor and police chief urged people to ignore any demonstrations by members of the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan. But Bardstown residents bristled at the thought of controversial preacher Fred Phelps and his supporters intruding on this Central Kentucky town's grief.

"Look at what these people have lost and then they have somebody like that come in here. ... I feel for them," said longtime resident Patsy Fiedler, who was paying her bills at the municipal building. "The worst pain has happened here."
Phelps does more to hurt Christianity than any Satanist has ever wished to do. Each report of this gives Secularism another few strong supporters that never will listen to another Christian...

Were this man Buddhist, each time I heard he was going to be in Colorado I would get a group up to simply surround them and make them unseen, quieted by the larger support of sane...
another misleading headline. how in hell is this writer tying in anti gay snetiments to this protest?????? the headline should read anti cohabitatkion church to protest; after all, the church isn't protesting homosexuals here, it is protesting a couple with children out of wedlock (i think; nowher is it mentioned WHY this church is protestin; i just assumed it is because the mom and dad aren't married) This is just a terribly written article trying to tie the homosexual agend into this protest.
Either way, protesting at the funerals of victims of tragedy will simply take more from the christians than it ever will give back. The idea that Phelps is anti-gay comes from the fact that he is. I mean he runs that website "" it isn't hard to make that leap there...

So, saying he is anti-gay and that he is protesting here may be misleading as a headline, but it certainly will not make christians look better because he is protesting the death of those who were out of wedlock shack-ups with kids.

If the christians keep letting this guy speak for them it will only hurt them.
Yeah I could not figure out why they were protesting either. Just taking advantage of the tragedy to get publicity I suppose. A bunch of publicity whores.
Yeah I could not figure out why they were protesting either. Just taking advantage of the tragedy to get publicity I suppose. A bunch of publicity whores.
Phelps is a nutjob but a canny nutjob. Or, more likely, he's got some not quite so nutty people working for him.

It's easy to pick on him and his group because they're so very extreme. They represent the worst, not only of Christianity, but also of religion in general. Hell, of people in general, come to that.

I think you've hit on the most important point already: few Christians are willing to take a stand against anyone else calling themselves a Christian. Here in the U.S. anyway.

Christians in America have developed this incredible, self-perpetuating myth -- AnyoldIron would undoubtedly call it a meme -- that they and their religion are under attack. Many Christians seem to think they're an oppressed minority or some such poppycock.

Weird, but then you'd expect mystics to be able convince themselves of utterly irrational bullshit.
For some reason Christians need to feel persecuted. Not sure why though.

Umm guess I should include the JEWS in there as well ;)
Phelps is a nutjob but a canny nutjob. Or, more likely, he's got some not quite so nutty people working for him.

It's easy to pick on him and his group because they're so very extreme. They represent the worst, not only of Christianity, but also of religion in general. Hell, of people in general, come to that.

I think you've hit on the most important point already: few Christians are willing to take a stand against anyone else calling themselves a Christian. Here in the U.S. anyway.

Christians in America have developed this incredible, self-perpetuating myth -- AnyoldIron would undoubtedly call it a meme -- that they and their religion are under attack. Many Christians seem to think they're an oppressed minority or some such poppycock.

Weird, but then you'd expect mystics to be able convince themselves of utterly irrational bullshit.

when i see an article written with the intention to twist the truth and apply something that has nothing to do with the issue, i see that they are indeed under attack. you libs should be able to easily spot these things, especially since you nitpick every article that doesn't agree with your point of view to death for its bias. i'm shocked, shocked that you have no comment on the bias of this writer! (heheh).