Anti-Trump GOP group launches $11 million swing-state ad blitz featuring former Trump voters


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A political action committee run by former Republican operatives is spending more than $11 million to blanket swing states with an ad campaign featuring former Trump voters explaining why they can’t support the ex-president in 2024.

The Republican Voters Against Trump campaign is spending $4.5 million in Pennsylvania, $3 million in Michigan, $2.2 million in Wisconsin, $1.5 million in Arizona and another $375,000 in Nebraska’s Second Congressional District (where a single electoral vote is up for grabs) to show a 30-second spot composed of testimonials from GOP voters who say they’re all voting for Democrat and Vice President Kamala Harris.

The advertisement, which will air on broadcast and cable television, opens with one woman saying: “I’m a two-time Trump voter.”

Another woman chimes in next, saying: “In 2024, I cannot support Donald Trump.”

Other ex-Trump voters appear on screen as they recite a litany of complaints against Trump, ranging from his support for the January 6 attack on the Capitol to his description of American veterans and war dead as “suckers” and “losers.”

“If Trump has a second term, it will be much worse than the first,” another voter says.

The ad concludes with all of them speaking as one, saying that they will be “proudly voting” for Harris.

The anti-Trump GOP group is also financing a series of billboards in the same swing states that feature the same voters as the video with text stating that they are voting for the vice president this year.


"I will NEVER vote for that man again"​

A political action committee run by former Republican operatives is spending more than $11 million to blanket swing states with an ad campaign featuring former Trump voters explaining why they can’t support the ex-president in 2024.

The Republican Voters Against Trump campaign is spending $4.5 million in Pennsylvania, $3 million in Michigan, $2.2 million in Wisconsin, $1.5 million in Arizona and another $375,000 in Nebraska’s Second Congressional District (where a single electoral vote is up for grabs) to show a 30-second spot composed of testimonials from GOP voters who say they’re all voting for Democrat and Vice President Kamala Harris.

The advertisement, which will air on broadcast and cable television, opens with one woman saying: “I’m a two-time Trump voter.”

Another woman chimes in next, saying: “In 2024, I cannot support Donald Trump.”

Other ex-Trump voters appear on screen as they recite a litany of complaints against Trump, ranging from his support for the January 6 attack on the Capitol to his description of American veterans and war dead as “suckers” and “losers.”

“If Trump has a second term, it will be much worse than the first,” another voter says.

The ad concludes with all of them speaking as one, saying that they will be “proudly voting” for Harris.

The anti-Trump GOP group is also financing a series of billboards in the same swing states that feature the same voters as the video with text stating that they are voting for the vice president this year.

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View attachment 30946

"I will NEVER vote for that man again"​

Fuck you asshole, you called for the assassination of your political opponent so, fuck you!
Have three without the lock and all are .357's which gives me the longer extractor rod that ensures total spent case removal regardless of ammo used.
That said,
Fuck you asshole, you called for the assassination of your political opponent so, fuck you.
Go back to tom hartman.
Have three without the lock and all are .357's which gives me the longer extractor, use one of them please?!!