Any conservative ex-Trump supporters here?


Well-known member
I supported the president ( not the man) during his first two years as I liked how he was handling the economy. But along comes Covid and in my opinion he made matters worse by his constant conflicting statements opposing what his Covid task force was advising. Then we had the election and Trump has gone the extra mile in trying to destroy our proven election system and urging his loyal malcontent followers into attacking this countries government. Many of my fellow conservatives here will attack me but the above is my opinion and I am entitled to my opinion.
I supported the president ( not the man) during his first two years as I liked how he was handling the economy. But along comes Covid and in my opinion he made matters worse by his constant conflicting statements opposing what his Covid task force was advising. Then we had the election and Trump has gone the extra mile in trying to destroy our proven election system and urging his loyal malcontent followers into attacking this countries government. Many of my fellow conservatives here will attack me but the above is my opinion and I am entitled to my opinion.

I'm pretty sure my Mom feels the same way.
I supported the president ( not the man) during his first two years as I liked how he was handling the economy. But along comes Covid and in my opinion he made matters worse by his constant conflicting statements opposing what his Covid task force was advising. Then we had the election and Trump has gone the extra mile in trying to destroy our proven election system and urging his loyal malcontent followers into attacking this countries government. Many of my fellow conservatives here will attack me but the above is my opinion and I am entitled to my opinion.

There are 2 problems here. First I agree with most of what you wrote. Trump did not do himself any favors with the way he behaved. If he could have behaved a bit better he would have won in a landslide but then he wouldn't have been trump. But he was his own worst enemy.

Problem number 2

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, .

If people really feel the govt is not meeting the standard of protecting rights, what should those people do?
Trump has gone the extra mile in trying to destroy our proven election system and urging his loyal malcontent followers into attacking this countries government.


Let me know at what point POTUS was allegedly "urging his loyal malcontent followers into attacking this countries (sic) government.

I'll understand if you can't, of course.
Ok fools

If trump didn’t know his loving base voters were racist violent assholes then he is an idiot

How could he not know how evil and stupid they are?

The FBI told him who they were idiots

This is what you get when you ignore intel from the FBI and instead ask Putin
I supported the president ( not the man) during his first two years as I liked how he was handling the economy. But along comes Covid and in my opinion he made matters worse by his constant conflicting statements opposing what his Covid task force was advising. Then we had the election and Trump has gone the extra mile in trying to destroy our proven election system and urging his loyal malcontent followers into attacking this countries government. Many of my fellow conservatives here will attack me but the above is my opinion and I am entitled to my opinion.

I can't speak for anyone else but since I spend waaaay too much time here I don't think any Trump supporters on this board have really changed their opinion about him.

(my unasked for two cents; you ask a legitimate question and no need to be defensive in your last sentence)
I supported the president ( not the man) during his first two years as I liked how he was handling the economy. But along comes Covid and in my opinion he made matters worse by his constant conflicting statements opposing what his Covid task force was advising. Then we had the election and Trump has gone the extra mile in trying to destroy our proven election system and urging his loyal malcontent followers into attacking this countries government. Many of my fellow conservatives here will attack me but the above is my opinion and I am entitled to my opinion.

And this right here is why YOU are a respected American veteran, and so many others posting here are not. True American patriots *never* stop fighting. Thanks.

I'll keep scrolling to see what your responses are.