Any personal experience with hybrids ?


Villified User
Hybrid cars that is not Tomatoes ;)

Thinking of buying one, just looking for any personal experiences...
Saw the Ford Escape ? advertised, but its mileage sucked according to the commercial.
Haven't driven any but don't by the myth they have no pickup. Some asshole was driving behind me like a maniac like he was behind the wheel of a mustang.
One of our faculty members has a Honda hybrid that he just raves about.

My only problem with these, as I've mentioned before, is that this is doubtless an interim technology and the resale value is likely to be limited in not too many years. We tend to keep our vehicles for a long, long time but I guess the gas-alone powered vehicles will likely suffer the same fate. Maybe we can plant flowers in them or something. :o

We can only hope that there will be available some sort of conversion package to newer, cleaner and more efficient fuels not too far in the future. If you look at the explosion of other technologies (e.g. video, digital imaging, etc.), it's easy to speculate that once the first prototype proves viable, similar technological improvements will abound.

I think that Toyota has a pretty good hybrid (the Prius?) and I just read that Honda is discontinuing the Camry hybrid but will be offering a hybrid in the Civic model for 2008.
Hybrid cars that is not Tomatoes ;)

Thinking of buying one, just looking for any personal experiences...
Saw the Ford Escape ? advertised, but its mileage sucked according to the commercial.

I'm glad you clarified that, you could have been talking about lemons
It's interim like automatic transmitions are as an improvement.
I invest in the battery inventor so I do have a vested interest.
The hybrid Escape gets great milage for an SUV, the pickup comment is correct.
But you get more pickup than you need for normal adult driving.
Prius has the highest resale value right now.:clink:
I am leaning towards the Prius. I understand I can also get upgrade kits for them to make them total electric up to 50 miles or so at a time anyway.
The one that has upgrades intrigues me since I tend to keep vehicles until they are a heap...Yes I realize they are early tech as well, but at least a few years under their belts.... I figure Honda and Toyota are the most reliable and longest lived in their pricerange anyway.
the upgrade kits cost around $10,000 but we need rich people like you to be early adopters. I'd love to see it be available to any car for about $1,500.
Good luck on you purchase
I will probably wait to get an upgrade kit. Or if I can get the plans build one.
I have all the required skillsets to build one if I have plans. Could even fill in some holes if needed.

Need to do a few weeks of research on the subject on the net.