Any thoughts on Katrina rebuilding ?

It seems to me that this has pretty much fallen into limbo.....

Its a disgrace.

We need to make NO a public works project, like we had in the 1930s - with the CCC and other organizations. . In the 1930s, we bascially built hundreds of dams, electrial grids, and other infrastrucure in a matter of years. NO was a national catastrophe, and merits a public works project. It'll put people to work.
Could this be the beginning of it getting too expensive to rebuild hurricane prone areas ?
Is this a "let the market decide" kind of thing ?
I am against Katrina rebuilding. I am however for rebuilding New Orleans as long as there are people to rebuild for...
Demolish what is left of the low lying areas and let nature take that part back. It is quite obvious that the same thing will happen again as we are not capable of stopping mother nature.
My point too super. As far as I am concerned any flood prone area that anyone rebuilds on their own in, well they are on their own. Expect no help from my tax dollars for their stupid action.
cypress is the man, I couldn't say it better and I live and work in NO.
There is a business and cultural reason to rebuild.
It's worse than a disgrace.
Half the city is still like a nuclear bomb hit.
Bush has created thousands of democrats with this piss poor response.