Any UNIX users out there ?


a member named bob
well iam look for a bit of advice. I am looking for anything to help me learn unix better, i curently am running hp-ux 11. i am not the one who is incharge of it nor am i the one who matains it. the person who dose has been out alot lately, and i want to help him out as much as i can, not to mention to help calm down the higher ups in the company. things arnt getting done.

so my question is, what is the most efficint learning tool for unix ? i need more unix smarts and i need yesterday.

thanks much
The little books with Animals on them are the best I found. O'reilly books are great reference. I did UNIX for several years until about 5 years ago when that job was outsourced to India.
I also have a few CD based basic tutorials, and took several online courses.
Heck it is just a hi performance DOS :)
thanks all... personly i am not vary good with books... but i have a few now. "unix in plain english" i also picked up a few oreilly books too. i found a few thing online too. i thing the best so far has been a VM and linux... although its not too similer it about as close as i am going to get with out spending a salery. i think i just have to get used to it... i am a nt guy, it vary similer, but just backwards lol... vary strait forward though i can see why its passed the test of time
Sun used to offer the PC version of their UNIX system for free.
I have an old copy around here somewhere...I don't have HP UX though.
I have Red hat Linux as well.