Anybody planning on changing their Lifestyle after this is over?


Verified User
Going out less?
Stashing more food in the Pantry?
Keeping more green dollars in the House?
Buying more medical supplies?

This probably isn't the last 'pandemic' we're going to see in out Lifetimes.
Going out less?
Stashing more food in the Pantry?
Keeping more green dollars in the House?
Buying more medical supplies?

This probably isn't the last 'pandemic' we're going to see in out Lifetimes.
I was going to diet but that went out the window. Right now it's eat what's around. I can't shop each week so there's no point.
Going out less?
Stashing more food in the Pantry?
Keeping more green dollars in the House?
Buying more medical supplies?

This probably isn't the last 'pandemic' we're going to see in out Lifetimes.
Busier than ever...just more careful;) Lots of neighborhood stuff going on...
Definitely buying more supplies....Getting lots of stuff delivered..not just Amazon;)
Busier than ever...just more careful;) Lots of neighborhood stuff going on...
Definitely buying more supplies....Getting lots of stuff delivered..not just Amazon;)

Yeah. Probably 'Brick & Mortar' stores going out of business and more on-line buying.
Yeah. Probably 'Brick & Mortar' stores going out of business and more on-line buying.
Weren't you just brick and mortar shopping?;)
Support the local businesses...If that means online or pick up or delivery for now, just do it;)
People here are getting very creative...lots of specials...take advantage of them...tip BIG...