Anybody seen 'Controlled Opposition' ?


Verified User
I notice we are missing more and more Posters.

Please list the names of those M.I.A.
Usually people with time on their hands ... post.

Not exactly, if people have nothing but time and they don't post it's because there's no discussion worth even the time they're trying to just give away. Half my posts have probably been coronavirus memes on Aproudlefty's discussion.
He had some surgery awhile ago,I hope he's ok.

Give it a week before worrying.

Soooo....which members on this forum will be the most butthurt if they come back after 3 months of COVID-19 recovery and no one noticed they were gone?

The most politically extreme because they are the most emotional.
You pulled his chain

It was a short chain, but I admit to attempting to rip it out by the roots. There's a few others here that I'm working on....the most insane ones don't care because they do not believe it can happen to Internet Gods.