Anybody seen uscitizen?

I have not seen him in weeks and Im worried

He announced that he's not coming back. View the Announcements Forum for his formal letter of surrender. Unless you mean that he's disappeared from other sites, then he should still be alive and well enjoying more time with his "lady friends," shaking his cane at young ruffians passing by, popping vicodin and cialis, and drinking large quantities of Mt. Dew.
Libtards think we have too many people, contaminating the earth. Maybe he off'd himself to show his commitment. :good4u:
I think he rolled down a hill and onto some train tracks.

I liked him ok, but he had a lot of hate inside and was in favor of the new world order because his wife was a bitch and he was in a wheelchair.

But i liked him.
jimmynyc, djjazzyjeff, dimple and oca, sir evil. all demented. All demented fucktards.

war on usmb would be a gentlemens game of killing the fuck out of each other!



Peace out.
Messaged USC. He had some health issues last month, but now he's feeling better and making a full recovery. He says Grind is an asshole, and the reason why he left this site.
