Anyone Here From The Abolished Amazon Politics Forum?


Well-known member
I see you dodged my question about taking a side in the feud. But that aside, I am not complaining I am stating an observation! So calling a woman a whore is fine with you! Or claiming she cheated on her husband and had an illicite affair is fine as long as they don't say she fucks like a rabbit, do I have that right? Frankly you are either a member of the hate Top clan or the biggest hipocrite I have seen in awhile.

Apparently you missed the fun times a year or so ago when Toxic, Katrina (who despite the name is a guy), Brunette, etc. all piled on Jade on the Amazon forums. They mocked his weight, his self-professed mental illness issues, his health, etc. Incessantly. Oh, and Toxic reported him incessantly until he was eventually banned.... she bragged about this to Mason.

But you keep sticking up for the poor persecuted thing; we expect nothing less.

Sorry my dear but I was around during that time and your memory is 180 degrees from mine. But if it makes you feel better keep repeating your side of the story.

Oh it seems funny a couple of my Id''s that I used to keep my good Amazon accounts safe got banned and the only people I posted to were you and Mason.