Anyone really good with javascript? Holdem game help


I want to marry two games together and use the routines from one set of scripts which has CPU opponent capability and hands testing for texas holdem. The problem with the game these scripts come from is that the game uses frames so it's really annoying for one and it's ugly. I found another game with awesomely pleasing cards that move from the deck on the page to player positions and then flip over. It's the finest looking card dealing on the internet. It looks so nice you want to pick the cards off the screen. Well, almost. But you get the point.
here's the Blackjack game I found. The guy works for microsoft and says he whipped the code out in a couple of hours and there's no copyright notice plus he has comments to the effect that he doesn't care if the code is reused. Anyway, here are a couple of his games with these cards

What I've managed to do so far is remove the blackjack routines and save the card dealing and card creation. I changed the size of the cards by 50% and changed the dealers cards to face down then I made an array for the board cards and made the routine to deal the flop. Now i have to figure out how to make a few more players so I can use CPU opponents which you can get to play one another as well. My goal is to create a game where you start as one player in a tournement of like 100 players some of which can run on hidden tables until there's a final table. It would be unique and fun to play since the CPU opponents in the game are not that bad.( I'd like to create a way to shuffle the cards on screen. but that can wait for now. I already have the script that randomly seperates the deck between 18 and 28 cards and then randomly chooses between the two arrays to refill the deck array. I feel this and a cut funtion for the players would make the game more realistic. I also want to show the burn cards and chips... much to do! LOL)

I've taken the game with frame crap and isolated anything having to do with frames and images or cards since I've got those routines already. Now I need the help of a true javascripter, of which i am not much of really, to help me find a way to pick the variables and funtions I'll need to mate the frame game routines into the beautiful graphics engine.

Well if you're interested in helping me leave a post and I'll create a link the work in progress. and links to scripts to incorporate.

Thanks poker fans

Oh i forgot to mention I also added sounds when you deal which make the game much more pleasing if you want a copy of the blackjack with sounds let me know and I'll zip a file for ya and email it to you.

If I manage to figure out this thing, I want to make a seven card stud game and an Omaha game too. How cool would it be to choose between the three games?