anyone want to help? American Government and Politics


ser independiente
I need to answer these 2 questions. In my American Government and Politics class however the reading they give you makes little to no sense to me at all. So anyone care to try to explain this to me in laymens terms and then maybe I will grasp the concept.

1. List ten differences between the House of Representatives and the Senate.

2. How does a bill become law? Explain how proposed legislation passes through the committee process and becomes a bill.
On the bill becoming a law, It requires campaign donations and then the lobbyist presents the bill his company wrote to the congressman they rented, who presents it to the congress on the floor.....
umm I might be a bit too cynical to help ya much.
Here are just a couple of things that I could think of from watching c-span.... :)

But YOUR BEST BET is to go to the constitution, it spits out quite a few duties of both the senate and the house....

The senate is responsible for vetting the president's appointees, the house is not.....and stuff like that...

The Representatives are elected for only 2 years at a time vs the Senators are in for 4 years at a time, I believe.

Representatives are elected by district and a certain number of people while Senators are elected by the entire state, only two of them.... and each state has two and only two, no matter their size....(this gives alot of power to the smaller states or to the minority)

The Senate can filibuster legislation or appointments, the house can not.
(Again, the protection of the minority)

The House initiates legislation and votes on it. The Senate comes up with their version of said legislation....and votes on it. both versions goes to conference and any differences gets rewriten and compromised on and a new bill comes out of conference that both the house and the senate have to vote on and approve, then it goes to the president to sign....or veto...
Well except one law I can remember that got signed into law under Bush without the votes after the committee resoloution.

Just a little constitutional burp there, nothing to worry cons.
I need to answer these 2 questions. In my American Government and Politics class however the reading they give you makes little to no sense to me at all. So anyone care to try to explain this to me in laymens terms and then maybe I will grasp the concept.

1. List ten differences between the House of Representatives and the Senate.
Try here
2. How does a bill become law? Explain how proposed legislation passes through the committee process and becomes a bill.
Try here.
Simplified for ya....!

I need to answer these 2 questions. In my American Government and Politics class however the reading they give you makes little to no sense to me at all. So anyone care to try to explain this to me in laymens terms and then maybe I will grasp the concept.

1. List ten differences between the House of Representatives and the Senate.

2. How does a bill become law? Explain how proposed legislation passes through the committee process and becomes a bill.

(1)Senate represent all the voters(electorate) in the state
(2)House represent district voters in their state
(3)House elected for two year terms
(4)Senate elected for six year terms
(5)Senate minimum age to run for office 30 years
(6)House minimum age to run for office 25years
***Not going to do all your homework so you come up with the last four***

How a bill becomes law...simplified
It can only become law in the White House when the President signs a law sent to him by the House and Senate.He can reject the law by veto and the House can override his Veto by a 2/3rds majority vote.If they can't get the 2/3rds vote...the Presidents rejection stands and the law is overriden!

Hope this helps!
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