APP - Anyone who believed Russia Collusion or Russia wanted Trump to win was DUPED

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
So now that Schiff has been forced to release his transcripts we are learning a lot of information. For some of us, it isn't new. We already knew it

But here is what we learned

1) CrowdStrike CEO testified under oath that he couldn't say for certain who hacked the DNC - That isn't what you were told was it?

2) Brennan withheld information showing that Russia actually preferred Crooked Hillary because she was a known quantity

Will the people who bought into this hoax show any shame?
So now that Schiff has been forced to release his transcripts we are learning a lot of information. For some of us, it isn't new. We already knew it

But here is what we learned

1) CrowdStrike CEO testified under oath that he couldn't say for certain who hacked the DNC - That isn't what you were told was it?

2) Brennan withheld information showing that Russia actually preferred Crooked Hillary because she was a known quantity

Will the people who bought into this hoax show any shame?

I doubt it. Many of them are still repeating the lies, aren't they?
They are, but that won't stop me from pointing out the lies.

If Biden wins in November and the RATS take the Senate, they plan to add 3 more Justices to the USSC and start stacking the lower courts with leftists again. I expect that "pointing out the lies" will be made illegal after that, and Damocles will be forced off the Internet.
If Biden wins in November and the RATS take the Senate, they plan to add 3 more Justices to the USSC and start stacking the lower courts with leftists again. I expect that "pointing out the lies" will be made illegal after that, and Damocles will be forced off the Internet.

Of that I have no doubt. The bad thing about the election of Donald Trump is that the leftists no longer hide who they are. We will be in outright civil war if that happens. My thoughts are that they are more interested in taking back the Senate than having Biden win. If Trump wins and keeps the Senate it will be a huge defeat for them with regards to the courts as it is unlikely they can keep Ginsberg alive that long
Of that I have no doubt. The bad thing about the election of Donald Trump is that the leftists no longer hide who they are. We will be in outright civil war if that happens. My thoughts are that they are more interested in taking back the Senate than having Biden win. If Trump wins and keeps the Senate it will be a huge defeat for them with regards to the courts as it is unlikely they can keep Ginsberg alive that long

They will win. If it appears that they are losing in any election, "lately-discovered" ballots favoring their candidates will appear as if by magic.
They will win. If it appears that they are losing in any election, "lately-discovered" ballots favoring their candidates will appear as if by magic.

there are encouraging signs out of the CA race last night

Do you think they will be able to harvest enough ballots to overcome an 11% deficit? I wouldn't put anything past them, but it would be alarming