Anyone With Children Young Enough to Believe?

Oh, hey, for anyone intending to buy presents for children, ages 5-9, I saw the greatest books the other day at Costco (granted, its probably too late now for this year). They are called "The Dangerous Book for Boys" and "The Daring Book for Girls." Its the set we all wish we'd have had when we were kids. Basically, its an assortment of chapers about random topics such as games, history, how-to's, etc. The one for boys, for example, has chapters about how to build paper airplanes/hats, waterbombs, play stickball and soccer, etc.; it includes chapters about proper English, histories of famous battles and even a chapter on girls...
"Anyone With Children Young "Enough to Believe?"

Don't they have to be 17 or something like that to vote for Ron Paul )
Anyone ever think that Santa Claus is just the world's greatest pedophile?

Thinking about it. An old fat man with an unnatural interest in children who likes to give them toys.

Thinking about that, I'm kind of glad that Dumbledore was gay, and not the other option for a 70 year old single school principle with an interest in little boys.
Anyone ever think that Santa Claus is just the world's greatest pedophile?

Thinking about it. An old fat man with an unnatural interest in children who likes to give them toys.

Thinking about that, I'm kind of glad that Dumbledore was gay, and not the other option for a 70 year old single school principle with an interest in little boys.

Beefy, I have said things far, far worse than this.
In fact, the Aristocrat joke I posted probably violated a few federal laws. This is extremely minor in comparison and even Damo looked at the "joke".