In the 18th century, Thomas Malthus wrote that exponential population growth would exceed food production and drive humanity to, best-case scenario, endemic poverty. He persuaded and influenced many intellectuals, not the least of whom was Charles Darwin, who incorporated Malthusian theory in his theory of evolution.
In the 20th century, Paul Ehrlich, a disciple of Malthus, picked up the baton, insisting that zero population growth was the only solution to stave off massive (hundreds of millions) starvation. Ehrlich's best-selling The Population Bomb (essentially an ecological handbook) sold over two million copies within a few years of publication. The first sentence of the book is "The battle to feed all of humanity is over."
Al Gore, erstwhile presidential candidate, has devoted his life to saving the planet from anthropogenic activity. An Inconvenient Truth, released in 2006, predicted irreversible global warming and a complete absence of Arctic ice during the summer — both to occur within ten years.
Malthus, Ehrlich, and Gore were (and are) taken seriously. Their prophecies were not gentle, advisory alerts; they were apocalyptic, intentionally inciting global fear.
All of this brings us to the latest forecast of doom: "The world is gonna end in twelve years if we don't address climate change." So spoke Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez several weeks ago.
When the fanatical façade is stripped away, it's the same old game: if you want to live, surrender control of your life.