AP: Reid used campaign money for Christmas bonuses at personal condo

Ha! looks like another slimey politician is caught in some shenanigans. And should be punished accordingly.

'He said he believed the 2001 sale did not alter his ownership of the land but that he agreed to file the amended reports because "I believe in ensuring all facts come to light."'

Harry Reid's bio says he graduated law school, so he should know that there is no mechanism in the law by which an individual transfers sole title (ownership) in a property to an LLC, but retains title. Harry Reid is a lying skunk.

Since he reported these sales and tranactions incorrectly on his tax returns as well as on the ethics dislosures, he needs to be audited.
Of course he is lying scum Trog. He is a politico and did not get to his present position by being a nice honest guy ;)
It's kinda like all that money he got from Abrhamhof. That was the good money and not the bad money.
Ha! looks like another slimey politician is caught in some shenanigans. And should be punished accordingly.

US, you do realize he is the Democrat Senate Minority Leader, right?

I mean, aren't you going to, at least claim Karl Rove tricked him into making these poor choices? I'm sure you can find some way to make it Bush's fault!

I think, with the recent rash of "Red Flag Syndrome" regarding ethics, you should call for Reid to resign, and let's have a complete investigation. After all, it certainly appears to be inappropriate behavior at least, and unethical conduct at best.
US, you do realize he is the Democrat Senate Minority Leader, right?

I mean, aren't you going to, at least claim Karl Rove tricked him into making these poor choices? I'm sure you can find some way to make it Bush's fault!

I think, with the recent rash of "Red Flag Syndrome" regarding ethics, you should call for Reid to resign, and let's have a complete investigation. After all, it certainly appears to be inappropriate behavior at least, and unethical conduct at best.

Naw Dix, that is your game not mine. I am totally non partisan when it comes to corruption and slime. Unlike you ;)
US, while I am impressed that you have the courage to admit Harry Reid is corrupt slime, it really doesn't take much to condemn a politician who isn't in your voting district. It's the old Democrat bait and switch, whoever is caught in scandal this week... you don't support them, never have, never will, and besides, all politicians are scum... but remember to vote Democrat!
I usually vote Demoncrat, except for in the primaries. I am registered as a Rebutliken ;)

Dixie, you change your tune faster than my radio with the scan button held down.
Keep up the bad work.