APP - the tactics of disruption

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
i am surprised that no one else has started a thread on this

of late the 'debate' on health care has degenerated to the use of disruption rather than debate

a group of people show up at a forum on health care and shout down the speaker/moderator and anyone else that wants to speak thereby shutting down any debate or dissemination of knowledge

now i am a firm advocate of free speech, but when one group decides not to allow anyone else to speak, that is not free speech

the for profit insurance industry makes 10's of millions a day and has spent over 140 million to oppose any form of health care reform

the rep's the party of no and the so called blue dog dems are opposed to health care changes

however, the health care industry has 'contributed' large amounts of money to the blue dog dems and surprise surprise they are a major opponent

now i admit that i support a single payer plan and either government or coop insurance

those that say that the government cannot run effective health care programs should look medicare and the feds own health care program

so every day that the insurance industry avoids health care reforms is another day of profits...340 million is a cheap price to pay Vs 10's of millions a day of profits

so delay delay delay
i am surprised that no one else has started a thread on this

of late the 'debate' on health care has degenerated to the use of disruption rather than debate

a group of people show up at a forum on health care and shout down the speaker/moderator and anyone else that wants to speak thereby shutting down any debate or dissemination of knowledge

now i am a firm advocate of free speech, but when one group decides not to allow anyone else to speak, that is not free speech

the for profit insurance industry makes 10's of millions a day and has spent over 140 million to oppose any form of health care reform

the rep's the party of no and the so called blue dog dems are opposed to health care changes

however, the health care industry has 'contributed' large amounts of money to the blue dog dems and surprise surprise they are a major opponent

now i admit that i support a single payer plan and either government or coop insurance

those that say that the government cannot run effective health care programs should look medicare and the feds own health care program

so every day that the insurance industry avoids health care reforms is another day of profits...340 million is a cheap price to pay Vs 10's of millions a day of profits

so delay delay delay

And of course this only started when the Democrates came INTO office.
Aren't you at least going to give credit to the Republicans for INVENTING something NEW??
And of course this only started when the Democrates came INTO office.
Aren't you at least going to give credit to the Republicans for INVENTING something NEW??


i assume that you are being sarcastic

as for blaming the reps, i think that they are to blame but i cannot prove it

the lies being told are another thing, it seems that various misrepresentations regarding the proposed health care package are just that and being told by the reps

oh well
of course no one else but the Democrats could be telling the TRUTH..

them stupid people out there protesting can't know what gives..

I laugh

i assume that you are being sarcastic

as for blaming the reps, i think that they are to blame but i cannot prove it

the lies being told are another thing, it seems that various misrepresentations regarding the proposed health care package are just that and being told by the reps

oh well

UH; I could be mistaken, but it sure loos like you danced around actually addressing the gist of your own post.
Try going to a meeting where the moderator and proponents are not shouted down. Can one ask an genuine, challenging question about the content of the bills under consideration? (hollow laugh) Can one get any kind of anser about the actual content of said bills? (hollow laugh) Is it at all possible to actually present an opposing view in a calm and reasonable manner (more hollow laughter)

Seems I rememeber many, many claims, and much rhetoric about the democrats being in power and the republicans are just going to have to shut up and take it. Well, I went to a presentation by the Honorable Max Baucus. And from what I saw, the expectation was indeed for anyone holding opposing views to just shut the hell up.

Seems the hard core republicans are NOT going to shut up and take it. Maybe if these "information" (ie: shut up and buy our lies) meetings actually encouraged open debate and gave out honest, detailed answers, then alternate, disruptive methods would not be viewed as a needed tactic.
Try going to a meeting where the moderator and proponents are not shouted down. Can one ask an genuine, challenging question about the content of the bills under consideration? (hollow laugh) Can one get any kind of anser about the actual content of said bills? (hollow laugh) Is it at all possible to actually present an opposing view in a calm and reasonable manner (more hollow laughter)

Seems I rememeber many, many claims, and much rhetoric about the democrats being in power and the republicans are just going to have to shut up and take it. Well, I went to a presentation by the Honorable Max Baucus. And from what I saw, the expectation was indeed for anyone holding opposing views to just shut the hell up.

Seems the hard core republicans are NOT going to shut up and take it. Maybe if these "information" (ie: shut up and buy our lies) meetings actually encouraged open debate and gave out honest, detailed answers, then alternate, disruptive methods would not be viewed as a needed tactic.

i sent an email to my rep who is a repub and received nada
I email my rep and senators fairly often and get nothing back.

On the state level though I personally know my rep and see him a few times a month.
I email my rep and senators fairly often and get nothing back.

On the state level though I personally know my rep and see him a few times a month.

when i email my senators i regularly receive a reply albeit not always promptly

but when i email my rep rep, i rarely get a rely...i am registered independent