APP - We have come a long way!


Well-known member
American culture has come a long way when a mixed race boy, concieved out of wedlock to a middle class family born in Hawaii can become the most powerfull man in the free world.

No matter what you think of BHO, this is an example of a LOT of progress.

America is Great and becoming greater!
Too bad a woman who made her own way in life and became a mayor and then Governor, couldn't get the same accolades..
Too bad a woman who made her own way in life and became a mayor and then Governor, couldn't get the same accolades..

It would still be a sign of an amazing achievement in American social progress. It would just not have been as big of an achievement, in my opinion, because because she was not concieved out of wedlock, not of mixed race, and would have been vp on McCains coat-tails, not president. Same goes for Secretary of State Clinton, she was born to privledge and got where she is at least in part due to her husbands position, and while it would have been an acomplishment that said a lot about American culture, it would not have said as much about the progress of American culture as the election of President Obama said.

Palin is not intelegent, it is my opinion that she was chosen because she was a woman, not dispite the fact that she is a woman.
Too bad a woman who made her own way in life and became a mayor and then Governor, couldn't get the same accolades..

She has gotten plenty and I'm one on the left that would be glad to switch if she beats the mormon tool. Assuming she moves center a little.
I'd say it's more a reflection on the Democrat party..they will vote for just anyone as long as there is a D next to it's name..

Check out how many independents and Republicans voted for the the Senator!