Apparently #45 has antiAmerican conspires in Norway too. Isn't that a blimp?


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So, it appears tRump's kissers have popped up in Northern Europe among his Norwegian as.s kissers who are with him in their own anti-American and anti humanity endeavor at issuing a threat against Mr. Buttigieg a honorable U.S. veteran who has a impeccable record of civility. This is compared to tRump's prostitutes in Norway overlooking the fact that their orange crested howler tRump is a Putin puppet, fake president in violation of U.S. Constitutional law, criminal against humanity and a maniac who is working at destroying the common decency of humanity and a taxpayer and tax thieving criminal. Additionally, tRump being a organized crime thug who sold his soul to the devil decades ago, engaged in child sex trafficking among him and his mob buddies at sharing the services of using children to fulfil their morally bankrupt ghastly ways and of course using female prostitutes as a bumble gum machine. As such, none of which Mr. Buttigieg has any relation to. As such, I assume tRump's fellow skanks in Norway share and are aligned with his hell bound and uncivilized values as a enemy against humanity and its soul. I also wonder how much taxpayer money tRump ripped off to pay his prostitutes in Norway to hatch this bull sh!t? Furthermore at being 22% Nordic ancestry based on my DNA ancestry, I am disappointed at the Norway part of my lineage when it comes to selling out to the #45 devil:

Norway Offers Trump Campaign Dirt On Pete Buttigieg: “He May Be Gay”
After inviting foreign help for his 2020 campaign, Scandinavian nation also tells president that Sanders might be a socialist

After telling ABC News on Wednesday that he would gladly accept opponent information from a foreign country, especially from Norway, the Scandinavian nation offered President Trump some top secret intel on several of his rivals.

“I love foreign dirt, it’s great, I can’t wait for more,” Trump tells Stephanopoulos. (Credit:
According to an insider in the Trump 2020 campaign “the Norwegians called us to say that Pete Buttigieg might be gay. They also provided evidence that he might have had intimate relations with a gnome in 2008. Gnome sex is good dirt as we take on the Indiana mayor.”
According to the same anonymous White House source, Norway also offered the president intelligence on Bernie Sanders suggesting that the senator might be a socialist. “Imagine that, a socialist — we can bury Bernie with that!”
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