Apple warning on unlocked iPhones


Villified User
Apple warning on unlocked iPhones

Users may not be able to add Apple features to an unlocked phone
Apple has warned that anyone attempting to unlock their iPhone to use with an unauthorised mobile network could find their phones irreparably damaged.

The company said that modified mobiles would become "permanently inoperable" once Apple updates were installed.
USGED has become DESH deciple of trolling for negative info.
He's too stupid to know this is not negative.
THE mind is a terrible thing to waiste, even a kentucky hillbillies.
I need a laugh, tell me the name of the high school that claims to have given you your beloved diploma.

Then don't install the updates.

Apple updates are useless anyway. They're kind of like Microsoft updates. I once got one to my IPod that did NOTHING but make it almost impossible to install Linux on the device.