AQ Leader we killed in Iraq was fictional

Did anyone else see this. The AQ leader we killed in Iraq earlier this year did not even exist :)

I don't trust much of anything that comes from the WH or the Pentagon.

They have just made up too many war stories.
Did anyone else see this. The AQ leader we killed in Iraq earlier this year did not even exist :)

There is actually a story in the Times about it. lol. Well, when you consider that one of our Supreme Court justices is deciding cases based on the fictional television character, Jack Bauer, it all makes sense.
"Brig. Gen. Kevin Bergner said yesterday that a feared Iraqi insurgent Omar al-Baghdadi “never existed.” "

Omar al-Baghdadi?

I don't even speak Arabic and I would have called BS on that one. Its the english-equivlent name of "Joe New Yorker"
"Brig. Gen. Kevin Bergner said yesterday that a feared Iraqi insurgent Omar al-Baghdadi “never existed.” "

Omar al-Baghdadi?

I don't even speak Arabic and I would have called BS on that one. Its the english-equivlent name of "Joe New Yorker"

You mean the "Number Two AQ Man"? Which one? We killed off about 30 Number Two AQ Man.
There's this thing called a "promotion" when somebody is um... "removed" from that office they promote another target, I mean "officer" to take his place.

Their job is to make audio and video tapes and direct attention away from the people with the actual weapons.
Did anyone else see this. The AQ leader we killed in Iraq earlier this year did not even exist :)

Very true, and we learned that by, oh yeah, another that we did capture. Wow, things get convoluted in war environment, who would have thought?

Then again, it's very possible that we 'killed' the actor, which of course would be a shame.
This says it better than myself:

News Flash

Terrorists lie:

BAGHDAD — Over the past year, Iraqis heard several audio recordings by a mysterious terrorist leader named Omar al-Baghdadi singing the praises of al-Qaida and urging his followers to attack U.S. troops.

The whole thing was a sham, the U.S. military said Wednesday. Al-Baghdadi actually was a fictional character dreamed up by al-Qaida in Iraq to bolster its local credibility because the group largely is run by non-Iraqis. The voice heard in the recordings belonged to an Iraqi actor.
The version linked above leaves out AP’s extensive discussion of how, by the new evidence of AQI’s direct contacts with AQ Mission Control, the U.S. military is trying to sway gullible senators into thinking Iraq is a front in the war against Islamic extremism.

That’s here:

BAGHDAD — The U.S. command announced on Wednesday the arrest of an al-Qaida leader it said served as the link between the organization’s command in Iraq and Osama bin Laden’s inner circle.

The announcement was made as the White House steps up efforts to link the war in Iraq to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, with a growing number of Americans opposing the Iraq conflict. Some independent analysts question the extent of al-Qaida’s role in Iraq.
OK. Back to the news. Just so long as you understand that everything else the U.S. military tells you in this report is non-AP-approved Bush propaganda.

Surber: Getting it Bass-Ackward

Welcome Punditeers! Always good to see you. We all rely on wire services. More reasons to rely wire services here. Sometimes you need to find another source for a view on the ground. Hey, do you think Petraeus belongs on this list? Speaking of ancient history.

Topics: Iraq, media, al qaeda

Posted by Jules Crittenden at 9:47 am on Thursday, July 19, 2007
There's this thing called a "promotion" when somebody is um... "removed" from that office they promote another target, I mean "officer" to take his place.

Their job is to make audio and video tapes and direct attention away from the people with the actual weapons.

Yeah, yeah, I get it.

It's still funny.
Very true, and we learned that by, oh yeah, another that we did capture. Wow, things get convoluted in war environment, who would have thought?

Then again, it's very possible that we 'killed' the actor, which of course would be a shame.

We killed Fred Thompson ? :eek: