Arab Christians pushed out of homes in middle east by terrorist thugs'im

Why did these people lose right to their home simply because they were Christians native to the land instead of Jewish invaders from another continent? Why do western countries support the right of Jews to ethnically cleanse Christians, but balk at Muslims do the same things?

I have an Iraqi Christian friend Neil Attisha that I known for over 20 years, he can give you chapter and verse on what is happening to Christians in Iraq and Syria. In fact, his brother was tied to a chair, tortured and killed in Baghdad for being a Christian only two years ago. So my friend doesn't need to go to Wikipedia, like some spotty ginger herbert in Mississippi, to find out what is happening!!

So what's the message here from the ginger one? That war is hell, yes well we knew that already thanks all the same. How about the Sikhs and Hindus in Lahore who fled losing all their property to Muslims?

Why did Lahore become part of Pakistan and not India after the partition of 1947?

Before 1947 Lahore had nearly the same percentage of Muslim and non-Muslim population. Also most of the property was owned by Hindus and Sikhs and it was not situated far from the present border. In spite of this, the city was awarded to Pakistan-controlled Punjab and not India-controlled Punjab. Why ?

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The difficulty is that so many tens of thousands of Muslims have been bombed out of their homes and murdered by alleged 'Christians' in the oil-thieves' armies and air forces. It causes resentment.
I have an Iraqi Christian friend Neil Attisha that I known for over 20 years, he can give you chapter and verse on what is happening to Christians in Iraq and Syria. In fact, his brother was tied to a chair, tortured and killed in Baghdad for being a Christian only two years ago. So my friend doesn't need to go to Wikipedia, like some spotty ginger herbert in Mississippi, to find out what is happening!!

So what's the message here from the ginger one? That war is hell, yes well we knew that already thanks all the same. How about the Sikhs and Hindus in Lahore who fled losing all their property to Muslims?

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So you support the ethnic cleansing of these Arab Christian villages?
The Sikhs and Hindus did not have their plight amplified by being rendered stateless for a century afterward.
Well that is bullshit, they were expelled from their homes in Lahore, where they and their ancestors had lived for centuries. Have they ever been offered compensation by the Pakistanis, have they fuck!!