Arabs Support Bush


Junior Member
Arabs support Bush while the liberals start new offense against American interest!

>KUWAIT CITY — Eight Arab countries voiced support Tuesday for President Bush's new strategy of boosting U.S. troop strength in Iraq as part of an effort to secure Baghdad and provide an opportunity for the fragile Iraqi government to establish legitimacy
All Mainly Sunni's. Of course they want us to keep back the shietes (sp?), which we enabled to run amok.
They (Arabs) sure don't want to have to deal with them.
All Mainly Sunni's. Of course they want us to keep back the shietes (sp?), which we enabled to run amok.
They (Arabs) sure don't want to have to deal with them.
LOL. Name the countries that are majority Shiite... Really, 90% of Muslims are Sunni, there are (let's see) two nations that are majority Shiite. They are right next to each other.... One is building nukes... Can you guess who they are?
The ones Connie did not visit ? And get an endorsement from ? Bbut they are the very ones that need to be involved in any soloution in that area.
"just more proof Sadam was the Shit cork in the molitov cocktail which is Iraq"

LMAO.... that was perhaps the funniest post I have seen in a very long time.