Arcade Fire


on indefiniate mod break
Well I finally got neon bible. I really liked Funeral but I have to say I think I like this new (i.e. released in march) album a lot better. 95% of you have no clue who I am referencing, but for those that do, just letting you know. lol.
i actually like crown, but i agree with you on #4. Also, I thought wake up sucked but apparently everyone loves that song.
i actually like crown, but i agree with you on #4. Also, I thought wake up sucked but apparently everyone loves that song.

Yeah, Wake Up was the other one I was thinking about.

Neighborhood #3 was good but I don't see why everyone says it's the best one. Neighborhood #1, IMHO, was the best song on the album. Also, "In the back seat", although it isn't really reprsentative of their style.

The pinnacle of whiteness.