APP - arctic drilling still a problem

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (Reuters) - The U.S. Coast Guard and Shell were making fresh preparations on Sunday to tow a grounded Alaska oil rig, saying crews would keep trying to connect a tow line after rough weather prevented their efforts all Saturday.
According to a news release from the unified grounding response team, the aim, once the conditions are right, is to tow the rig to a sheltered bay nearby so experts can make a better assessment of its sea worthiness.
Officials have declined to speculate on the exact timing of the removal of the Kulluk from the rocky coast of tiny Sitkalidak Island, though a senior Shell executive said last week he believed it was a matter of days.
The fortunes of the grounded drillship, which started a well in the Beaufort Sea late last year, face particular scrutiny because it was a key part of Royal Dutch Shell's controversial and error-prone 2012 Arctic drilling program.
So what's the problem? All things in the real world have trade offs. This is an acceptable trade off to me given how important petroleum based products are to our very existence
So what's the problem? All things in the real world have trade offs. This is an acceptable trade off to me given how important petroleum based products are to our very existence

True, petroleum based products are an important part of our everyday lives.

However, having a sustainable planet to LIVE upon is also important because I think it's safe to assume that we'd all like to go on living.

It might be an acceptable trade off to guys of our age, who are going to cash in our tickets in 30-50 years, but what about those who will be living on this planet in 200 years...500...
True, petroleum based products are an important part of our everyday lives.

However, having a sustainable planet to LIVE upon is also important because I think it's safe to assume that we'd all like to go on living.

It might be an acceptable trade off to guys of our age, who are going to cash in our tickets in 30-50 years, but what about those who will be living on this planet in 200 years...500...

Still worth it