Arctic sea ice, Nov. 2021


Classical Liberal
The specious:

In 2008, University of Manitoba professor David Barber prophesied: “We’re actually projecting this year that the North Pole may be free of ice for the first time [in history]. This is a very dramatic change in the High Arctic climate system.”

British AGW rag The Independent ran the ‘Exclusive’ story: ‘It seems unthinkable, but for the first time in human history, ice is on course to disappear entirely from the North Pole this year,’ reads the opening paragraph,

‘Scientists in the US have presented one of the most dramatic forecasts yet for the disappearance of Arctic sea ice,’ reported the BBC back in 2007. ‘Their latest modelling indicates that northern polar waters could be ice-free in summers within just 5-6 years.’ - PROF. WIESLAW MASLOWSKI

in 2007, we had NASA climate scientist Jay Zwally’s prediction: “The Arctic Ocean could be nearly ice-free at the end of summer by 2012, much faster than previous predictions.”

In 2012, head of the Polar Ocean Physics Group at the University of Cambridge (UK), Professor Peter Wadhams, foretold of a complete collapse of the Arctic ice sheet by 2015-2016 — predictably leapt on by
‘As sea ice shrinks to record lows, Prof Peter Wadhams warns a ‘global disaster’ is now unfolding in northern latitudes,’

And of course, On December 13 & 14, 2009, professor, prophet, and soothsayer Al Gore predicted the North Polar Ice Cap could be completely ice free within the next five to seven years.

The reality:

As many as 21 cargo ships may have become stranded in ice in November after attempting to follow the Northern Sea Route along the Russian Arctic coast.

Russia Scrambles to Escort Ships Stuck in Arctic Shipping Route
Dozens of ships have gotten stuck in the sea ice of the Russian Arctic due to an earlier-than-expected freeze over the past week, media outlets have reported102

Early Winter Freeze Traps Ships in Arctic Ice Published at: Nov 23 2021
The reality: As many as 21 cargo ships may have become stranded in ice in November after attempting to follow the Northern Sea Route along the Russian Arctic coast.

I guess when people are so confused they think November is summer, it causes problems with their reality.

Russia’s Arctic Laptev Sea has not yet frozen for the first time since records began, according to the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Centre.

The sea, which is known as the “birthplace of ice,” thawed much earlier in 2020 than in any previous year since 1979, and has not yet re-frozen as of late October. Arctic sea ice coverage usually shrinks in the spring and summer, levels out in September and increases in the fall and winter to reach maximum levels in March.

In years gone by, warmer weather caused by climate change has allowed vessels to cross parts of Russia's northern sea route in November without incident.

Shipping companies caught unaware by the early freeze may now have to wait days for ice breakers to reach their vessels.

They are blaming an inaccurate weather forecast by Russia's Met Office for the incident.

30 years ago, no ships would have been able to attempt to cross at this time of year. They are only stuck because global warming has allowed some of that area to remain ice free this late in the season.
The specious:

In 2008, University of Manitoba professor David Barber prophesied: “We’re actually projecting this year that the North Pole may be free of ice for the first time [in history]. This is a very dramatic change in the High Arctic climate system.”

British AGW rag The Independent ran the ‘Exclusive’ story: ‘It seems unthinkable, but for the first time in human history, ice is on course to disappear entirely from the North Pole this year,’ reads the opening paragraph,

‘Scientists in the US have presented one of the most dramatic forecasts yet for the disappearance of Arctic sea ice,’ reported the BBC back in 2007. ‘Their latest modelling indicates that northern polar waters could be ice-free in summers within just 5-6 years.’ - PROF. WIESLAW MASLOWSKI

in 2007, we had NASA climate scientist Jay Zwally’s prediction: “The Arctic Ocean could be nearly ice-free at the end of summer by 2012, much faster than previous predictions.”

In 2012, head of the Polar Ocean Physics Group at the University of Cambridge (UK), Professor Peter Wadhams, foretold of a complete collapse of the Arctic ice sheet by 2015-2016 — predictably leapt on by
‘As sea ice shrinks to record lows, Prof Peter Wadhams warns a ‘global disaster’ is now unfolding in northern latitudes,’

And of course, On December 13 & 14, 2009, professor, prophet, and soothsayer Al Gore predicted the North Polar Ice Cap could be completely ice free within the next five to seven years.

The reality:

As many as 21 cargo ships may have become stranded in ice in November after attempting to follow the Northern Sea Route along the Russian Arctic coast.

Russia Scrambles to Escort Ships Stuck in Arctic Shipping Route
Dozens of ships have gotten stuck in the sea ice of the Russian Arctic due to an earlier-than-expected freeze over the past week, media outlets have reported102

Unlike we Americans the Russians have ice breakers.