Are all women so wasteful?


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I don't use toilet paper because I use a bidet. My penis-receptacle refuses to use the bidet. She insists on wrapping long lengths of toilet paper around her hand. Or, take brushing your teeth. I run cold water for a second to wet the brush and then again to rense. She runs the tap until it's warm and then starts to brush, while leaving the tap on full blast the whole time.

It's not just bathroom. It's everything. She thinks the proper place to have long conversations with friends, in deep winter or the dog days of summer, is in the open front door. When the stamped date on food arrives, she'll throw out perfectly good food. She'll happily use the gas to run three or four places in a day, coming home between each place.

Did I just get a dud, or are most of them so inefficient outside of their main design function?