Are Democrats Pit Killers?


The 2008 Democratic Party convention is going to be held in Denver. As any JPP regular knows, this begs the question: do Democrats condone killing Pit Bull Terriers? Do they kill Pits for sport, perhaps? And does this mean that Damo will be switching parties? Inquiring minds want to know.
The 2008 Democratic Party convention is going to be held in Denver. As any JPP regular knows, this begs the question: do Democrats condone killing Pit Bull Terriers? Do they kill Pits for sport, perhaps? And does this mean that Damo will be switching parties? Inquiring minds want to know.
This is believed to be the reason that the cops haven't announced the gang killing of Darrent Williams. They've been amazingly silent, the only reward for his killer is the $2000 that Crime Stoppers has offered. They want to remain quiet so that the Dem Convention can get here. They've even attempted to shut up the Union and get a guaranteed no Strike clause in their contract...

Dems strong-arming Unions, who'da thunk it..
Tell that to Sodom and Gomorrah :)
Ot tell a right winger republican that SanFrancisco is not an inherently evil place ;)
Right! Places are not evil ...well perhaps hell if you believe in that...But anyway evil people do tend to congregate in certain places. Never had any mafia in eastern KY. Gangs are not a problem either, we break them up if they try to move in. Literally.
Damo... there is also a $100k reward out for info leading to the capture of Williams killer(s).

The Dems coming to Denver.... great.... remind me to be out of town on those dates.
Damo... there is also a $100k reward out for info leading to the capture of Williams killer(s).

The Dems coming to Denver.... great.... remind me to be out of town on those dates.

That's relatively new then. Up until Wednesday there was none but the 2000 from Crime Stoppers... according to every media that was reporting on this. Also the mayor has avoided speaking on the subject.. as well as the strong-arming the Union... Whatever it takes I guess...