Are democrats racist?


Let's find out, shall we?

Before Charlottesville, Democrats voted for racist policies for more than 100 years.

In the aftermath of Charlottesville, an awful lot of awful things have been said about Republicans and race relations.

However, the Left's accusations of racism couldn't be further from the truth that has played out in the halls of Congress over the last 150 years.

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It is shocking that as talk of statues and historical racism is being bandied about, no one has mentioned the Democrats' utterly shameful treatment of African Americans throughout history.

Over the last 100 years, Republicans have stood up for African Americans while Democrats not only stood on the sidelines, but in fact served as obstructionists to civil liberties.

Here are at least 12 examples in which Democrats voted against African Americans, and Republicans voted to free them:

Clearly, democrats are the true racists of this country. So how is it that these miserable fucks are still able to project their insanity on to the good people of this country?

The answer is simple. The fucking racists simply never shut the fuck up. Their gums are always flapping, and their fingers are always pointed.

Take a look at any democrat you know (including those on this board) and pay attention to what they're talking about. You'll notice that they always seem to pissed off about something that has to do with the Right. This is what happens when you get a bunch of assholes with nothing better to do. Their lives are empty and meaningless. They've gotten so desensitized that the only thing that makes them truly happy is when they're destroying something - even parts of their own lives.

How much longer will we put up with this senseless bullshit?
lets look aat the party platforms asshole

which is the one that Americans of color find repulsive?

those people you speak of in the Democratic party are now dead

its not the labels you lying shit sack its the Ideas
lets look aat the party platforms asshole ...
Let's don't.

We all know that you fuckers are accomplished liars. What you say and what you do are utterly different things. How in the hell can anyone take you ass clowns seriously?
prove that the Democartic party doesnt believe in their own platform?

that is a really stupid thing to claim

the whole reason you hate us is our ideas right?
Americans of color dislike the republican party platform.

Its why you can get so many Americans of color to vote for your party

they really dont like that your party memebers HATE any black American who organizes Americans to protest or vote

youn respect very few black people

the only ones you treat with ANY decency are the tiny fraction that sociopathically vote to harm the vast majority of black people as well as poor people of all colors

they notice that
Conservatives lack of understanding of American History, or their complete rejection of American History, is amazing, it was CONSERVATIVE Democrats who practiced the racist policies of the past, you really didn't think the Radical Republicans were conservative did you
prove that the Democartic party doesnt believe in their own platform?

that is a really stupid thing to claim

the whole reason you hate us is our ideas right?
Women's Health. Most, if not all, of it revolves around abortion and sex outside the bonds of marriage. Your whole platform is reactionary towards those things, not proactive. In fact, you're more facilitators of that shit than anything else.

Find me a democrat who teaches their children about not just the virtue of abstinence before marriage, but also the dangers of premarital sex as well as abortion. Imagine a horde of both women, and men, from your side of the spectrum who actually fought the devastating effects of abortion and sex outside the bonds of marriage!

It doesn't exist.
Women's Health. Most, if not all, of it revolves around abortion and sex outside the bonds of marriage. Your whole platform is reactionary towards those things, not proactive. In fact, you're more facilitators of that shit than anything else.

Find me a democrat who teaches their children about not just the virtue of abstinence before marriage, but also the dangers of premarital sex as well as abortion. Imagine a horde of both women, and men, from your side of the spectrum who actually fought the devastating effects of abortion and sex outside the bonds of marriage!

It doesn't exist.

what is the rate of out of wedlock birth amoung republicans?


quit pretending anyone cares about premarrital sex anymore
Some Americans are racists, blacks, whites, browns, Dems, Reps, rich or poor.

most groups who have experienced racism against them do not return the evil.

theyn learn of the deepness of its evil and refuse to reflect it back on others

Look at the Jewish commuity after WW11

the least racists groups are the humans who felt its sting.

racism is done by the white right in this country by a massive degree over any other racism

you defend racism by hating those who battle it and smearing them with that label for poltical reasons
what is the rate of out of wedlock birth amoung republicans?

You asked me why I hate your ideas, and I gave you my answer. Thank you for conceding that point.

quit pretending anyone cares about premarrital sex anymore
We for sure know that your side doesn't give a shit, which was my point to begin with. Thanks again for conceding the point. ;)
Conservatives lack of understanding of American History, or their complete rejection of American History, is amazing, it was CONSERVATIVE Democrats who practiced the racist policies of the past, you really didn't think the Radical Republicans were conservative did you

:rofl2: YEAH that's it!!! They were "conservative" democrats. It's hard to take such moronic nonsense serious. :rofl2:

The OBVIOUS answer to the threads question is an unequivocal YES.

Just look at all the Democratically controlled urban sewers around this once great nation; as long as they can keep making blacks and Hispanics victims and keep them in their modern plantation urban sewers, they are empowered.
Conservatives lack of understanding of American History, or their complete rejection of American History, is amazing, it was CONSERVATIVE Democrats who practiced the racist policies of the past, you really didn't think the Radical Republicans were conservative did you
Where's your link, asshole? I hear you homos parroting that shit all the time, but I never see any proof.

Show me how today's democrat party is just like the Republican party of the Civil War era.