APP - Are democrats really worried about Ginsberg?


Former Vice President
One has to ask why this new effort to take down Justice Kavanaugh with years old allegations from college.

It could be that the democrat media industrial complex is still bitter over not being able to take him down during his confirmation?

Or could it be that the deep state knows that Ginsberg's days are numbered and all they can think to do is try to get him off of the court?

I say impeach him now. Boot him off. Trump would be the one to replace him anyway. I am good with that.
Hey isnt that Nadler guy who is so determined to impeach Trump today the same Nadler who tried to quash the impeachment of Clinton because "it would be too divisive"?

What changed his mind? At least with Clinton we had clear proof he did commit the acts and did lie on camera to the American people.

I don't wish ill on Ginsberg but I do wish she would step down like a month after Trump is reelected. Tehn I hope Trump picks a for real originalist judge to replace her. Boy the fireworks from the left will be awesome to see.