are human pilots necessary?

Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
Feds probe why jet flew 150 miles past airport

WASHINGTON – Federal investigators are scrambling to determine what happened aboard a Northwest Airlines jetliner whose crew flew 150 miles past its destination while air traffic controllers, other pilots and even a flight attendant back in the cabin tried to get their attention.

Investigators don't know whether the pilots may have fallen asleep, but National Transportation Safety Board spokesman Keith Holloway said Friday that fatigue and cockpit distraction will be looked into.


In January 2008, two pilots for go! airlines fell asleep for at least 18 minutes during a midmorning flight from Honolulu to Hilo, Hawaii. The plane passed its destination and was heading out over open ocean before controllers raised the pilots. The captain was later diagnosed with sleep apnea.
Feds probe why jet flew 150 miles past airport

WASHINGTON – Federal investigators are scrambling to determine what happened aboard a Northwest Airlines jetliner whose crew flew 150 miles past its destination while air traffic controllers, other pilots and even a flight attendant back in the cabin tried to get their attention.

Investigators don't know whether the pilots may have fallen asleep, but National Transportation Safety Board spokesman Keith Holloway said Friday that fatigue and cockpit distraction will be looked into.


In January 2008, two pilots for go! airlines fell asleep for at least 18 minutes during a midmorning flight from Honolulu to Hilo, Hawaii. The plane passed its destination and was heading out over open ocean before controllers raised the pilots. The captain was later diagnosed with sleep apnea.

If anybody really feels that pilots are unneccesary, then the Heathrow incident of January 2008 should be a sobering reminder.
If anybody really feels that pilots are unneccesary, then the Heathrow incident of January 2008 should be a sobering reminder.

Not only are human pilots necessary but certain types of human pilots are necessary. For example:

1. Plane changing height almost vertically as certain predetermined points (waypoints(?) ) are reached. Flying over China. Do these guys really have the instruction manual open on their lap? I know they were ex fighter pilots but .....

2. Total panic in the cockpit when RHS outside engine blows coming back from Singapore. Auto-pilot switched off. Dropped 10,000 ft. Flaps waving round like flags and plane 'crabbing' before announcement, 'We are taking the plane over the sea because the Royal Navy are doing exercises down there and if we have to ditch ....' Holy shit!
And all we got was a lunch voucher on our forced return to Changi!

So yes. Human pilots please and... er ... not wishing to be racist in any way ... could we ensure they were educated in the UK (or America at a push)?