APP - Are Iranian women braver than US women?

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
They are literally putting their lives on the line fighting for freedom and all our so called feminists can do is put on a few silly hats

God bless these Iranians standing up to the mullahs
I have to assume this is some sort of attempt at rightwing humour.

Because I find posters who spend message board careers denigrating Muslims (always seeking to portray them in the worst light possible), "suddenly" performing in the role of a passionate ally of Muslim women's rights be....not just downright comical...but actually bloody freakin' hilarious!
I have to assume this is some sort of attempt at rightwing humour.

Because I find posters who spend message board careers denigrating Muslims (always seeking to portray them in the worst light possible), "suddenly" performing in the role of a passionate ally of Muslim women's rights be....not just downright comical...but actually bloody freakin' hilarious!

Women stood up to our own mullah on January 21, 2017. Ans as I recall, an American Muslim woman was widely criticized by conservatives for taking part in the march.
Women stood up to our own mullah on January 21, 2017. Ans as I recall, an American Muslim woman was widely criticized by conservatives for taking part in the march.

Hmmm....I am actually surprised to learn that rightwing message boarders have no genuine interest in Muslim women's right -- except to the extent they can exploit the issue cynically to "stick it' to liberals. Who could have predicted?
Hmmm....I am actually surprised to learn that rightwing message boarders have no genuine interest in Muslim women's right -- except to the extent they can exploit the issue cynically to "stick it' to liberals. Who could have predicted?

Linda Sarsour took a lot of grief for speaking at the march. She was accused of supporting ISIL.
Linda Sarsour took a lot of grief for speaking at the march. She was accused of supporting ISIL.

I did not know that.

Well, that is basically what the Brown Shirts of the rightwing do....accuse Muslims of being terrorists. If it weren't for false accusations and defamation, I am often hard pressed to say what else the rightwing is good at!
It's ironic

Women in Iran are routinely and systematically discriminated against and oppressed.

They’re banned from sports stadiums, even when their husbands, brothers, or sons are playing in the game.

If they’re married, they can’t leave the country without their husband’s permission.

Three men and three women were reportedly arrested for the crime of dancing on camera. They were sentenced to 91 lashes and one year in jail.

And yet, liberal feminists in America such as Joy Behar think it’s America that has the problem. Speaking on “The View,” Behar compared what’s happening in Iran’s oppressive autocratic regime to protests against Trump.

Here’s a wake-up call for American women who can’t seem to open their eyes to the true intolerances against women worldwide.

In America, when men and women take to the streets to protest a democratically-elected president who they don’t like, they have police to protect them.

In Iran, when men and women dare to speak out against their government, they’re suppressed and sent to jail. Seven days into these rallies, at least 20 people are dead.

So let’s be clear: The happening in Iran is far more important for women’s rights than any of our First World problems here in the United States.

Instead of being silent—or worse, trying to draw parallels between Iranian women and ourselves—American women should support them.

Because in Iran, unlike the United States, women’s lives may actually depend on it.
I have to assume this is some sort of attempt at rightwing humour.

Because I find posters who spend message board careers denigrating Muslims (always seeking to portray them in the worst light possible), "suddenly" performing in the role of a passionate ally of Muslim women's rights be....not just downright comical...but actually bloody freakin' hilarious!

I did not mention religion. Just pointing out that these Iranian women are more brave than US women who laughably think they are part of some “resistance”.

That is what they tell themselves as they don their cute “pussy hats”. How droll

Iranian women are being slaughtered and American women accessorize.
I did not mention religion. Just pointing out that these Iranian women are more brave than US women who laughably think they are part of some “resistance”.

That is what they tell themselves as they don their cute “pussy hats”. How droll

Iranian women are being slaughtered and American women accessorize.

I think the truth about the left is apparent. They have to know how deep their hypocrisy runs.
Linda Sarsour took a lot of grief for speaking at the march. She was accused of supporting ISIL.

Deservedly so. I happen to believe that she does support ISIL, despite her public denials.

BTW, didn't you recently imply that marches and protests are exercises in futility?

Mullahs aren't going to change their draconian laws because American women marched.