APP - Are liberals aiding and abetting islamist terrorists?

First question. If other posters must adhere to the rules of APP and you thread ban a large number of them who would dissent from your OP Strawman why shouldn't we believe you're not just trolling?
First question. If other posters must adhere to the rules of APP and you thread ban a large number of them who would dissent from your OP Strawman why shouldn't we believe you're not just trolling?

You are free to believe what you choose. My thread bans are consistent across forums. I have made a determination that certain posters add nothing the conversation. You would have a point if I banned every leftie on JPP, but I have not. Your complaints fall flat.

Now care to comment on a democrat tearing down terrorism fighting tools? If not, I suggest you take this to the Complaint Forum where it belongs.

Have a blessed day