Are More Christians Morons or is Idiocy Agnostic?


Well, score another partial victory for San Francisco values, yet also one for the drool-control challenged. Once again, lawmakers have seized on the "marriage in all-but-name" compromise to keep the trailor trash from rioting burning down the local Denny's.

Long ago, Shakespeare noted that which we call a rose, by any other name, wouldst smell as sweet. Perhaps so, but the legions of the illiterate still insist on calling roses weeds when grown in plots not to their liking.

Almost enough to turn a man to Nihilism, that is. Would be, were it not for a keen sense of irony.

This takes us to word games... because that what it amounts to. It is only my opinion but marriage and civil unions are all but the same..both legally entering into a contactual arrangment....sharing life experiences and responsibilities... one is secualr motivated , the other is religous... and is defined by most religous institutions as a union between or among a man and a woman forming a family, legitimizing sexual relations between them and procreation. Civil Unions are the right way to go for gay people...since it legally permits each individual to become legally responsbile for the other.
IMHO ... marriage ...being the religously motivated institution it is ..... should be removed from Government ...this would settle many arguments...
The Governments, State and Local should only be in the business of handing out Civil Unions.

By the way....if Im not mistaken.... Christianity is not the only religion that frowns on homosexuality .. so why just atack them?
Religion does attract those with problems, but not all christians are Morons.
A minority of them are great people.
Probably about the same ratio as in the general public.
This takes us to word games... because that what it amounts to. It is only my opinion but marriage and civil unions are all but the same..both legally entering into a contactual arrangment....sharing life experiences and responsibilities... one is secualr motivated , the other is religous... and is defined by most religous institutions as a union between or among a man and a woman forming a family, legitimizing sexual relations between them and procreation. Civil Unions are the right way to go for gay people...since it legally permits each individual to become legally responsbile for the other.
IMHO ... marriage ...being the religously motivated institution it is ..... should be removed from Government ...this would settle many arguments...
The Governments, State and Local should only be in the business of handing out Civil Unions.

By the way....if Im not mistaken.... Christianity is not the only religion that frowns on homosexuality .. so why just atack them?
Because in my country at this time it is the Christians -- or a very loud and obnoxious group of people who claim to speak for all Christians: it the rest of you would slap them down, we'd appreciate it -- who are leading the charge of the hate brigade.

You do recognize that this really is stupid, don't you? You claim to want to reserve the word "marriage" for religiously sanctioned unions? Why not let homosexual couples who can find clergy to marry them use it then? I can assure you they can. Contrary to the claims of the self-righteous goon squad, they don't speak for all Christians, nor do all Christian clergy accept the "homosexuality is evil" interpretation.
You claim to want to reserve the word "marriage" for religiously sanctioned unions?

Exactly Ornot. All words are symbols, whose meaning is defined by those that use them. If civil union partners want to call their union marriage then why not????