Are our politicians really interested in us?


He sucks Damocles' dick. :)
The Republican/Democrat/Leftist/Rights all agree on something. So Lenny? Go fuck yourself.

They are not interested in little people like us.
Rowdy Ronnie Piper, funny

And to answer your question, it is beginning to appear not, least when removed from the local or maybe even State level, then it is all about getting reelected, if serving the people happens, well, good, but seems quite a few aren't worried about not doing it
You would be surprised to find that most beginning politicians have bits of altruism in their decision to run for office. The system beats them down. As long as you have to raise millions for an election, then the wealthy and corporations will have the power. You can get rid of them by making only taxpayers pay for elections and limiting elections to 3 months.
Politicians spend at least a 3rd of their office time asking for money. That means they owe somebody andthaty are doing other things than their jobs.