Are Snow or Cheffee likely to become Democrats?


Well-known member
If the Senate is close are there not several Republican Senators likely to become Democrats and thus push them into the majority...
I bet there are others out there that would consider a switch...

If it comes out 50-50 instead of 51-49, I think the Democrats might still take control!
Not a chance in hell.

Although I would be totally willing to trade Chaffe, for Senator Ben Nelson (D-Nebraska)
Not a chance in hell.

Although I would be totally willing to trade Chaffe, for Senator Ben Nelson (D-Nebraska)
Wow cypress actually pays attention to voting records.

I would also make that trade, that would take away your last moderate senator by voting record of course, but hey it's not like anyone's noticed so far with the party rid of Breaux, Zell Miller and Hollings that it is really left with nothing but Liberals and Socialists.

FYI: It's Snowe, not Snow and it's Chafee, not Chaffe
If the Senate is close are there not several Republican Senators likely to become Democrats and thus push them into the majority...

Why do you care so much, they already vote more like Liberal Dems anyway. Too many people are hung up on party, it stops them from seeing a country's direction when they simply think Republican=Conservative or Democrat=Liberal. It's mostly true, but not always and certainly over the last 20 years the REAL blue dog Dems have mostly switched parties or are out of politics, while enough Repubs are still voting like Liberals.
Why do you care so much, they already vote more like Liberal Dems anyway. Too many people are hung up on party, it stops them from seeing a country's direction when they simply think Republican=Conservative or Democrat=Liberal. It's mostly true, but not always and certainly over the last 20 years the REAL blue dog Dems have mostly switched parties or are out of politics, while enough Repubs are still voting like Liberals.

Control of the senate matters!
They won't change even if they vote liberal a lot of times. If Ford and Webb are elected they will stay dem dispite the fact they support Republicans policies about 85% of the time.
It happens sometimes that Senators change parties to the challenging party when they do well, but not quite well enough!