APP - Are the Clinton's an asset or liability to the democrat party?

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

It would appear that the democrat party no longer has any use for the name Clinton. In New Hampshire which is a political second home for the Clinton's they are changing the name of a fund raising event removing Bill's name. This is no small feat and signals a shift in the party.

Knowing the Clinton's, I don't think they will go quietly. I still believe Hillary harbors a desire for a 2020 run. Whether she will or could be successful at getting the nomination is another question. But, I believe the desire is still there. That doesn't go away.

What do board liberals think? Are the Clinton's a liability or an asset in 2018 and beyond?
Excellent thread, Don.

The liberals appear to be reluctant to comment. Perhaps they fear becoming the latest statistics in the Clinton body count if they speak up.