Are *the Hard Leftists Aligned with Radical Islamists

cancel2 2022

Great article written by a Muslim feminist about the unholy alliance between the extreme Left and Radical Islam. We even have at least one on here in the form of Moonbat who only ever seems to post about Israel for the most part.

"The leftist media and other American liberals insist on portraying President Trump's position as a fight against Islam and Muslims. In fact, most moderate Muslims are not offended by the phrase "radical Islam," because they are very distressed by the fact that their religion has been commandeered by the radicals and transformed from a religion of peace into a more radical version.

I just wonder where those feminists and John Kerry were when millions of Egyptian women needed their support when they marched against the Muslim Brotherhood, asking for America's help. Where were they when thousands of Syrian and Iraqi women were enslaved and raped by radical ISIS militants?

While not a single voice among these liberal feminists spoke out against these inhumane acts perpetrated against Muslim women by radical Islamists, a Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer, Linda Sarsour, co-organized the anti-Trump Women's March on Washington. What's worse, these liberal feminists want Sarsour to represent all Muslim women, while in fact she speaks for nobody except herself and those who fund her."

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I thought you were "on holiday"??

A "feminist" middle easterner wouldn't seem to have much in common w/ her own culture either??
Hmm...wonder where they are when the US supported Sadaam Hussein while he gassed their own people. Or gave him chemical weapons to use against Iran when he killed a million people. Or supports every year the brutal Saudi government who beheads women for speaking to men in public. Or when we supported Mubarak for 30 years as he killed innocent egyptians and stole billions of dollars from the state. Or supported the Shah when he killed tewns of thousands of iranians. Or overthrew the demcoraticlyy elected government of Iran in 1953 and instead imposed a brutal dictator. Or supported despots In Jordan, Uzbekistan(who boiled people alive in water to death), or Qatar, Bahrain, etc, etc. Or killed a million Iraqis. One can go on and on.

Not calling terrorists Islamic radicals is a sideshow. It was an attempt to not exacerbate the religious part of the war. But its a sideshow. The real reality is that US politics and Western policies in general have killed millions of people in that region to control the oil resources of it. To do so, the US will support any government, no matter how vile, including Sadaam Hussein.
Hmm...wonder where they are when the US supported Sadaam Hussein while he gassed their own people. Or gave him chemical weapons to use against Iran when he killed a million people. Or supports every year the brutal Saudi government who beheads women for speaking to men in public. Or when we supported Mubarak for 30 years as he killed innocent egyptians and stole billions of dollars from the state. Or supported the Shah when he killed tewns of thousands of iranians. Or overthrew the demcoraticlyy elected government of Iran in 1953 and instead imposed a brutal dictator. Or supported despots In Jordan, Uzbekistan(who boiled people alive in water to death), or Qatar, Bahrain, etc, etc. Or killed a million Iraqis. One can go on and on.

Not calling terrorists Islamic radicals is a sideshow. It was an attempt to not exacerbate the religious part of the war. But its a sideshow. The real reality is that US politics and Western policies in general have killed millions of people in that region to control the oil resources of it. To do so, the US will support any government, no matter how vile, including Sadaam Hussein.
Irrelevant twaddle!!

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the hard left are islamic radical terrorists.all antichrists are islamists and vice versa. they need not strap on a backsack bomb to be an islamic terrorist. they are doing what they can do right here on this forum and in every day life as they do their political jihad. they will have the same reward as the false prophet mohamed [damned forever] and the non god "allah" Lucifer when their eyes reopen in hell. then they will understand. let them perish.
It's not an "alliance" with someone to agree that they shouldn't be dehumanized and should be treated equally as everyone else. You are so fanatical in your bigotry and hatred of Muslims that a sane view of them seems like obsequious submission.
It's not an "alliance" with someone to agree that they shouldn't be dehumanized and should be treated equally as everyone else. You are so fanatical in your bigotry and hatred of Muslims that a sane view of them seems like obsequious submission.

I have several very good Muslim friends snd live near a large Muslim area with Pakistanis, Yemenis and Somalis. I am also very realistic about the perniciousness of Salifism, as everybody should be as well. This mosque is less than two miles from me.


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Great article written by a Muslim feminist about the unholy alliance between the extreme Left and Radical Islam. We even have at least one on here in the form of Moonbat who only ever seems to post about Israel for the most part.

"The leftist media and other American liberals insist on portraying President Trump's position as a fight against Islam and Muslims. In fact, most moderate Muslims are not offended by the phrase "radical Islam," because they are very distressed by the fact that their religion has been commandeered by the radicals and transformed from a religion of peace into a more radical version.

I just wonder where those feminists and John Kerry were when millions of Egyptian women needed their support when they marched against the Muslim Brotherhood, asking for America's help. Where were they when thousands of Syrian and Iraqi women were enslaved and raped by radical ISIS militants?

While not a single voice among these liberal feminists spoke out against these inhumane acts perpetrated against Muslim women by radical Islamists, a Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer, Linda Sarsour, co-organized the anti-Trump Women's March on Washington. What's worse, these liberal feminists want Sarsour to represent all Muslim women, while in fact she speaks for nobody except herself and those who fund her."

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That's funny. According to the Reich wing anyone slightly to the left of Attila the Hun is far left. LOL
I've always wondered what 'hard leftists' means to the Murdochites. As used over here, for instance, it appears to mean all normal members of the Labour Party. Any non-serf, I suppose.
I've always wondered what 'hard leftists' means to the Murdochites. As used over here, for instance, it appears to mean all normal members of the Labour Party. Any non-serf, I suppose.
It means Corbynites and Momentum!! Oh and Trots like you.

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