Are there any John Coltrane fans out there?

John Coltrane was a legendary jazz saxophonist, who, among many, popularized the Hard Bop, free form style of jazz in the 1950's and 1960's. I've just recently developed a taste for this style of jazz music. I listened to part of John Coltrane's album, A Love Supreme, a couple months ago on YouTube, and I liked it so much, I purchased the remastered CD of the album. I'm liking it more each time I listen to it. This the only music I've heard by him. Could anyone recommend other recordings by him? I've read some reviews on some of his other stuff, but they seemed to be heavily slanted because they appeared to be by people that loved all of his music. Any recommendations would be helpful. Thank you.
There was a guy at university with me that loved the Trane. He considered it to be his life's work to convert others to worship at his altar. Took me a while but yes I do like him his earlier stuff more than his free form later works. The man was a total genius though, that's beyond dispute.
