Are there more black men in college or in jail?

I can tell you from my time at Winston-Salem State, which is a virtually all-black campus (not entirely, obviously) as an HBCU that there are far more black women in college than men.

And there are also more black women than men period. And being "dead or in jail" is a strong contributing factor.
At the end of 2000, 791,600 black men were behind bars and 603,032 were enrolled in colleges or universities. By contrast, in 1980 -- before the prison boom -- black men in college outnumbered black men behind bars by a ratio of more than 3 to 1, the study found.

from (Study conducted in 2002)
What do you think?

Given that the so-called "war on drugs" has locked up millions of black men, I'd say more are in jail.

Now, if we ever had a war on corporate crime, we might see the same statistics for white men. :cof1:
At the end of 2000, 791,600 black men were behind bars and 603,032 were enrolled in colleges or universities. By contrast, in 1980 -- before the prison boom -- black men in college outnumbered black men behind bars by a ratio of more than 3 to 1, the study found.

from (Study conducted in 2002)

So the conservatives plan does work ?
True or false: A college education is more important than ever.

True or false: There are more African-American men attending college today.

True or false: There are more college-age black men in prison than in college.
Give yourself credit if you marked the first question true. People who get ahead in today’s economy start by getting a college degree. Almost all the fastest-growing careers require at least a college degree. The college graduate makes twice as much as the high school graduate.

You can also give yourself credit if you marked the second question true. More black males than ever before are applying to college, enrolling and getting their degrees.

The third question? That one is false — 179,500 black men ages 18 to 24 are in prison. But 469,000 — more than two-and-a-half times as many — are enrolled in college.

You often read that there are more black men in prison than in college. But that misleading statistic compares the number of black men in college, almost all of whom are in their teens or twenties, with the number of all black men, of any age, in prison. It’s like comparing apples to oranges.
At the end of 2000, 791,600 black men were behind bars and 603,032 were enrolled in colleges or universities. By contrast, in 1980 -- before the prison boom -- black men in college outnumbered black men behind bars by a ratio of more than 3 to 1, the study found.

from (Study conducted in 2002)

What report are you quoting this statistic from?
Given that the so-called "war on drugs" has locked up millions of black men, I'd say more are in jail.
The war on drugs is actually very popular in slums that have drugs. Ask the women and seniors in those areas what they think about drugs if you don't believe me. Having grown up there, I think they are the left-wing voters who are the reason why the left's talk about liberalising drug rules is never put into action because they risk alienating that vote.

Now, if we ever had a war on corporate crime, we might see the same statistics for white men. :cof1:
Well we could start with rich 6 figure income middle aged white guys who embezzle companies for millions of cash over their lifetime, while doing no work and spending all their time on political boards with rants against the very capitalist corporations that made them you know any of those Comrade P?
desh is finally recognizing college as a way to get ahead.
Yes the war on drugs needs to end as does the black communities war on little G's getting and education.