Are There No Orphans In The Us?


Junior Member
I have seen shows about how many couples are going to the old Eastern Block nations to adopt children and we see all these limo libs going to Africa and SE Asia to adopt. Are there no children in the USA to adopt?
Its harder to adopt American children because of the bureaucratic process.

Also I would suspect some of these people who adopt kids oversees see the children in the third world as more needy.

We should definitley make it easier to adopt American children.
At first I thought the same thing about the bureaucratic process. But when I think about it closer it can't be easier to involve 2 countries, immigration and all that crap and still be easier than adoption in the USA.
Most of the families doing this are pretty well off and wouldn't have a big problem being approved.
Everyone I've ever talked to about the adoption process says its way harder to adopt domestically. Some countries can't wait to give their kids away.
When I started to this trend, I kind of felt the way htat toby did, "what about American kids that need to be adopted?" But those kids will really be fighting for their lives and are generally much worse off than our orphans. But at the end of the day, we should celebrate the good they are doing and lament about what else they could have done. Most of us that are sitting back trying to judge them would never adopt a child outside of their family.
Good point ladyT, one child saved is one child saved.
umm what about the war on children ?
Gay people are not allowed to adopt here in Florida.
Do you mean not at all, or not as a couple?

In many states that do not recognize same-sex relationships gays cannot, as a couple, adopt. So one would be the legal parent of the child, if they die there can be problems with placement for the child....

I didn't know that there was any state left that wouldn't allow gay persons to adopt at all.
Good point ladyT, one child saved is one child saved.
umm what about the war on children ?

Mmmmm, good point. I change my mind. At the end of the day all they are is importing more of the little brats. That shouldn't be allowed to stand.

On second thought, these people are @$$holes.
I agree T. It also really pissed me off when people criticized Oprah for opening the school.

Me too! That got me going as well. I have no respect for people that trashed her for doing that. Its like you can't win.
I was even annoyed at the Madonna criticism. Its not like even one of her detractors was trying to adopt a kid from her child's country. But it was nice and easy to sit back take shots at her and talk about how the child should be back in an 3rd world orphanage eating slop. Yeah. Its a real tradgedy that he's going to be trapsing the world now and getting hte best of everything. /scacasm off.
It may be the trendy thing to do nowadays, but if trendy entails getting these kids out of poverty and into stable and nouturing environments I'm fine with it.