APP - Are they they Frank and Claire Underwood of our day?


Former Vice President

I have spent many a year watching Joey and Mika. I always knew that their relationship was more than just on air compatriots. I always knew that Joe was no principled conservative. He might have been at one time (I doubt it) but he isn't today. I know someone who went to college with him and he describes him as a hustling, arrogant asshole who was always trying to get in the limelight.

He strikes me as an opportunist which isn't odd in a politician, but he is far too comfortable spouting democrat party talking points than defending first principles of conservatism.

After his little stunt on Colbert where he announced he is leaving the republican party to become an independent, I became convinced that he is lining up a Presidential run in 2020. He has a love affair with the No Labels crowd and I am sure Mika was enthralled with the White House when she was a little girl and her daddy worked there.

Don't think for a second these people don't play long ball and aren't plotting political moves years in advance.

I just want to get my prediction out there