Are you honoring God with those jeans that make your butt look great?

Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
Ladies: Rocco Grimaldi requests you cover up for God

I respect Rocco Grimaldi, the California kid that the Florida Panthers selected in the second round of the 2011 draft and is going to play for North Dakota this season. (Where he could be rookie of the year in the WCHA.)

I respect that he's a role model for young players, who see a 5-foot-6 forward on a path to the NHL. I respect that he's a devout Christian who uses social media to preach what he believes, even if his candor may have scared off some teams at the draft.

I respect that, in the end, Grimaldi views faith as a way to affect positive change in someone's life and in society, which is a view I imagine places him in the majority in the United States.

What I don't respect, however, are Twitter rants that espouse Puritanical nonsense about how women need to cover themselves lest their feminine curves tempt men.

Rocco wants to know, ladies: Are you honoring God with those jeans that make your butt look great?

Here are Rocco's observations about the female form from his Twitter feed

what is your advice on this matter threedee?
Two of these, and call me in the morning.


christians are gay. they dont want to see girls because it will remind them of how much they like men and that they want to have buttsex. so they ruin it for everyone else by being the clothes police.

Ladies: Rocco Grimaldi requests you cover up for God

I respect Rocco Grimaldi, the California kid that the Florida Panthers selected in the second round of the 2011 draft and is going to play for North Dakota this season. (Where he could be rookie of the year in the WCHA.)

I respect that he's a role model for young players, who see a 5-foot-6 forward on a path to the NHL. I respect that he's a devout Christian who uses social media to preach what he believes, even if his candor may have scared off some teams at the draft.

I respect that, in the end, Grimaldi views faith as a way to affect positive change in someone's life and in society, which is a view I imagine places him in the majority in the United States.

What I don't respect, however, are Twitter rants that espouse Puritanical nonsense about how women need to cover themselves lest their feminine curves tempt men.

Rocco wants to know, ladies: Are you honoring God with those jeans that make your butt look great?

Here are Rocco's observations about the female form from his Twitter feed

what is your advice on this matter threedee?

It has little to do with clothing.

Gen.6:1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
[2] That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose."

No jeans in those days. A pretty face and a twinkle in the eye was all it took.
you know you want one


comes in fashionable colors as well


Whores. Hopefully their fathers cut their heads off in justice and spit on their bodies for the shame they're brought on their family. Me and Mohammad will enjoy hearing their screams eternally in heaven. The blissful screams of the wicked, and the cruel, and the evil, like these women, are all I need to keep me going. :)