Are Your Kids Going To Grow Up To Be Democrats? Know The Warning Signs

The Anonymous

Bag On My Head

If there’s one thing parents worry about with their kids, it’s that their children will one day grow up and vote for DEMOCRATs.

If that happens, that’s because you raised your children wrong. Don't worry-- we're here to help! Here are the signs to look for that suggest your innocent little child may become a DEMOCRAT:

  • Expects food, clothing, and housing for free - The #1 sign you're raising a future sucker of the government teat.
  • Constantly whines - Ooh, is the little baby hurt from stubbing his toe? Rub some dirt on it and get back in there, bucko!
  • Is small and weak (like a DEMOCRAT) - No muscles to speak of. Very beta.
  • Has grubby little hands constantly snatching things that aren’t theirs - They're either going to grow up to be a bank robber or a Democrat, but we repeat ourselves.
  • Is happily lazy and avoids chores? You're looking at a future DEMOCRAT.
  • Leaves messes everywhere - Today, they're leaving toys and their clothes on the floor. Tomorrow, they're leaving protest signs and burned buildings behind at BLM riots.
  • Has a short attention span - If your kid flips from YouTube video to YouTube video every 3 seconds, they'll be pretty likely to be outraged about a different thing every 3 seconds in the future.
If you see any of these signs, now you have time to disown your children and write them out of your will before they donate their inheritance to Kamala Harris or something.

Don't let this happen to you!

If there’s one thing parents worry about with their kids, it’s that their children will one day grow up and vote for DEMOCRATs.

If that happens, that’s because you raised your children wrong. Don't worry-- we're here to help! Here are the signs to look for that suggest your innocent little child may become a DEMOCRAT:

  • Expects food, clothing, and housing for free - The #1 sign you're raising a future sucker of the government teat.
  • Constantly whines - Ooh, is the little baby hurt from stubbing his toe? Rub some dirt on it and get back in there, bucko!
  • Is small and weak (like a DEMOCRAT) - No muscles to speak of. Very beta.
  • Has grubby little hands constantly snatching things that aren’t theirs - They're either going to grow up to be a bank robber or a Democrat, but we repeat ourselves.
  • Is happily lazy and avoids chores? You're looking at a future DEMOCRAT.
  • Leaves messes everywhere - Today, they're leaving toys and their clothes on the floor. Tomorrow, they're leaving protest signs and burned buildings behind at BLM riots.
  • Has a short attention span - If your kid flips from YouTube video to YouTube video every 3 seconds, they'll be pretty likely to be outraged about a different thing every 3 seconds in the future.
If you see any of these signs, now you have time to disown your children and write them out of your will before they donate their inheritance to Kamala Harris or something.

Don't let this happen to you!

Thank God my kids didn't grow up to be leftists. All are conservative and especially my oldest who is more conservative and less kind about it than me.
Are your kids going to grow up to be fail trolls? Know the signs.

I guess it's too late for my brood. Like all (D)s, they work hard, pay their bills, save up for retirement, shove education down their kids' throats, are open-minded kind and inclusive people who I love very much.
I guess it's too late for my brood. Like all (D)s, they work hard, pay their bills, save up for retirement, shove education down their kids' throats, are open-minded kind and inclusive people who I love very much.

It's hilarious how delusional you are. "Education"???? Like, women have penises? That kind of education? How do you wipe your ass and not cause yourself brain damage?

If there’s one thing parents worry about with their kids, it’s that their children will one day grow up and vote for DEMOCRATs.

If that happens, that’s because you raised your children wrong. Don't worry-- we're here to help! Here are the signs to look for that suggest your innocent little child may become a DEMOCRAT:

  • Expects food, clothing, and housing for free - The #1 sign you're raising a future sucker of the government teat.
  • Constantly whines - Ooh, is the little baby hurt from stubbing his toe? Rub some dirt on it and get back in there, bucko!
  • Is small and weak (like a DEMOCRAT) - No muscles to speak of. Very beta.
  • Has grubby little hands constantly snatching things that aren’t theirs - They're either going to grow up to be a bank robber or a Democrat, but we repeat ourselves.
  • Is happily lazy and avoids chores? You're looking at a future DEMOCRAT.
  • Leaves messes everywhere - Today, they're leaving toys and their clothes on the floor. Tomorrow, they're leaving protest signs and burned buildings behind at BLM riots.
  • Has a short attention span - If your kid flips from YouTube video to YouTube video every 3 seconds, they'll be pretty likely to be outraged about a different thing every 3 seconds in the future.
If you see any of these signs, now you have time to disown your children and write them out of your will before they donate their inheritance to Kamala Harris or something.

Don't let this happen to you!

you are very stupid
Thank God my kids didn't grow up to be leftists. All are conservative and especially my oldest who is more conservative and less kind about it than me.

Many DEMOCRATS are not parents because they abort their spawn in the womb, or they are homosexual and don't reproduce, or transsexual and cannot reproduce.

My kids have been grown for a long time, now,
and since I maintain close ties with both of them,
and neither has been disinherited in my will,
I guess they did grow up to be Democrats.
It's hilarious how delusional you are. "Education"???? Like, women have penises? That kind of education? How do you wipe your ass and not cause yourself brain damage?

What makes you think that fat cow wipes her ass? She probably can't reach, it's so enormous.
My kids have been grown for a long time, now,
and since I maintain close ties with both of them,
and neither has been disinherited in my will,
I guess they did grow up to be Democrats.

But it would be just like you leftist assholes to disinherit your kids if they supported trump. You fuckers would like your mother's to destroy trump. This again is the reason I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.
I don't think DEMOCRATS can pass welfare benefits on as a legacy.

LMFAO. You're right the govt does that. If however some democrat somewhere actually earned money I think it's entirely within the realm of possibility that they would financially cancel their children if they supported trump. Tell me I'm wrong.
LMFAO. You're right the govt does that. If however some democrat somewhere actually earned money I think it's entirely within the realm of possibility that they would financially cancel their children if they supported trump. Tell me I'm wrong.

If there’s one thing parents worry about with their kids, it’s that their children will one day grow up and vote for DEMOCRATs.

If that happens, that’s because you raised your children wrong. Don't worry-- we're here to help! Here are the signs to look for that suggest your innocent little child may become a DEMOCRAT:

  • Expects food, clothing, and housing for free - The #1 sign you're raising a future sucker of the government teat.
  • Constantly whines - Ooh, is the little baby hurt from stubbing his toe? Rub some dirt on it and get back in there, bucko!
  • Is small and weak (like a DEMOCRAT) - No muscles to speak of. Very beta.
  • Has grubby little hands constantly snatching things that aren’t theirs - They're either going to grow up to be a bank robber or a Democrat, but we repeat ourselves.
  • Is happily lazy and avoids chores? You're looking at a future DEMOCRAT.
  • Leaves messes everywhere - Today, they're leaving toys and their clothes on the floor. Tomorrow, they're leaving protest signs and burned buildings behind at BLM riots.
  • Has a short attention span - If your kid flips from YouTube video to YouTube video every 3 seconds, they'll be pretty likely to be outraged about a different thing every 3 seconds in the future.
If you see any of these signs, now you have time to disown your children and write them out of your will before they donate their inheritance to Kamala Harris or something.

Don't let this happen to you!

I guess we can't expect much better than that when the editor has these abilities:

Kyle Mann | Editor in Chief

Kyle was created in an Orc spawning pit beneath the tower Orthanc near the end of the Third Age. Saruman the Many-Colored drew upon all his dark powers to imbue Kyle with the ability to write satire of semi-acceptable quality from time to time

Saruman was always a third rate sorcerer. Perhaps Kyle needs to re-roll as an elf who makes friends with an dwarf.