Aristotle Would Repeal The XVII Amendment


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The Ukraine conspiracy set me to thinking about how:

Those who hold office with a short tenure can hardly do as much harm as those who have a long tenure; and it is long possession of office which leads to the rise of tyrannies in oligarchies and democracies. Those who make a bid for tyranny are either the [demagogues] or else the holders of the main offices who have held them for a long period. Aristotle

Every election is the same in that media propaganda tells us federal government scum are wonderful people. Scandals means nothing. The insidious message is designed to convince voters that the longer elected officials and bureaucrat bums are on the job the better off the country is. First listen to Tucker Carlson’s take on the bums running intelligence agencies:


Now consider long-serving bums. The following dates cover the years as a Senator, and a Representative when applicable. The list would be a lot longer if I included every retired and dead Democrat, but I only named living scum that did the most harm during their long years of so-called ?SERVICE?:

Joe Biden —— 43 years —— 1973 to 2016

Nancy Pelosi —— 32 years —— 1987 - Still in Office.

Chuck Schumer —— 38 years —— 1981 - Sill in office.

Diane Feinstein —— 27 years —— 1992 - Still in office. (Mayor of San Francisco 1978 to 1988.)

Dick Durbin —— 36 years —— 1983 - Still in office.

Patrick Leahy —— 45 years —— 1974 - Still in office.

Bernie Sanders —— 28 years —— 1991 - Still in office.

Gerald Nadler —— 27 years —— 1992 - Still in office.

Adam Sciff —— 18 years —— 2001 - Still in office. (California State Senator from 1996 to 2000.)

NOTE: Newly elected Democrats preach the same garbage the old–timers preach. That is why crackpot policies proposed by The Squad get full support from every Democrat. In plain English: Do not shit in your own backyard if you want our support and help.

Here are some links for a brief history of a few corrupt bureaucrats:

James Clapper

John Brennan

Robert Mueller

James Comey

Andrew McCabe

Rod Rosenstein

Peter Strzok

DONALD TRUMP —— less than 4 years in government —— January 2017 - Still in office.

My point: Donald Trump did not, could not, do a tiny fraction of the harm it took Democrats decades to cause. That is reason enough to disregard everything Democrats and their television mouthpieces say about impeaching Trump.

Bottom line: A vote for a Democrat is a vote for more of the harm thousands of Democrats deliberately accomplished since the LBJ years.

Basically, for the first time since the XVII Amendment was implemented voters made an informed choice when they voted for an outsider despite television mouths telling them to vote the very definition of a Washington insider —— Hillary Clinton. The same choice is available in 2020 irrespective of the Democrat candidate.

Parenthetically, for first time, television mouths do not have one Democrat candidate they can sell to voters. Television mouths elected a pervert and a Chicago sewer rat, and they had a shot with Hillary Clinton and traitor John Kerry. Not so with anybody in today’s Democrat Party field. Lets face it, if television mouths are looking for a winning strategy they should be selling pardons on death row instead of wasting their time trying to sell any one of the top six Democrat choices to voters.

Finally, if you think the conspiracies Democrats committed against Donald Trump to date were unconstitutional, you just wait until you see what they they will do to remove him from office after he is reelected.

The conspiracies Democrats executed in 2015 and 2016 were a holiday compared to the conspiracies they will perform after 2020.

p.s. Here is a reminder of television mouth’s determination to elect Democrat swamp creatures at all costs:

NOTE: JFK was TELEVISION’S first sitting senator to become president, and he stole it! Had former Senator Richard Nixon stole the election he never would have been inaugurated. After Nixon did become president print media and television joined forces to drive him out of office.


As I said in 2009 “Obama’s Administration was a Senate Administration.” It was the media that guaranteed a sitting senator would become president in 2008. It mattered not which party he or she came from.

Look at the U.N.-loving traitors that went with Obama from the Senate to the Executive Branch. Obama never would have been nominated let alone president had he not first served in the Senate. Even Democrats would have balked at handing a street bum the nomination. (After Obama the media gave Democrats a choice between two senators, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.)

Incidentally, television made serving in the Senate a required gradation to the presidency. Filth like John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, and the Chicago sewer rat are the rule not the exceptions.

Media moguls are guilty of the evils done by long-serving senators. Media paymasters would fight to the death before they would allow the XVII Amendment to be repealed. It is cheaper to elect and control a majority of senators than it is buy the HOUSE every two years. In short: Senators are bought for six years. Representatives sign two year contracts with media mouths.

Donald Trump is despised because he was not a senator as much as he is hated for being an “outsider.” The overwhelming number of REPUBLICAN U.S. Senators will stab Trump in the back even though television makes the stabbing look like a few honorable senators oppose Trump on principle.

Finally, the FBI begin protecting Hillary Clinton on the day she lost the election. This is what scared them witless during the campaign:
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Just prior to his appointment as President Obama’s so-called regulatory czar, Cass Sunstein wrote a lengthy academic paper suggesting the government should “infiltrate” social network websites, chat rooms and message boards. Such “cognitive infiltration,” Sunstein argued, should be used to enforce a U.S. government ban on “conspiracy theorizing.”

Such “cognitive infiltration,” Sunstein argued, should be used to enforce a U.S. government ban on “conspiracy theorizing.”

Obama czar proposed government ‘infiltrate’ social network sites
Sunstein wants agents to 'undermine' talk in chat rooms, message boards
Published: 01/12/2012 at 10:56 PM
by Aaron Klein

Dirty Waters should have cleared the C-word with Cass Sunstein before saying it:

“They’re all involved. ... First of all, we have seen that no matter what the president does, they come up with a kind of messaging to defend him. No matter what it is, none of them have had the courage, the patriotism, or the guts to stand up for what is right for our country. So I expect that Pence is part of this conspiracy to try to get Ukraine to do something in a fake investigation and come out with some dirt on Biden,” Waters said. “So I’m looking forward to that coming out in the hearings that will be done by the Judiciary Committee as they take up the impeachment resolution.”

Maxine Waters Says Mike Pence And The Attorney General Were Involved In The Ukraine “Conspiracy”
Sarah Mimms Sarah Mimms
Kadia Goba Kadia Goba
Posted on September 27, 2019, at 12:18 p.m. ET
Last updated on September 27, 2019, at 3:56 p.m. ET

Finally, if you think the conspiracies Democrats committed against Donald Trump to date were unconstitutional, you just wait until you see what they they will do to remove him from office after he is reelected.

Democrats insist the public believe that Democrats only react to save the Constitution after a story breaks, when, in fact, they conspire to make sure their story hits the airwaves. Hillary Clinton’s Steele Dossier was classic. Everything that resulted from the Steele Dossier was one coordinated conspiracy after another. Every one of those conspiracies fell apart, but not one was ever reported as a failed conspiracy. The way Democrats and television mouths are pushing the Ukraine nothingburger is clearly another conspiracy orchestrated by Democrat Party decision makers.

Bottom line: The C-word is the last thing Democrats should invoke against President Trump when they would be defenseless if they are ever exposed for engaging in conspiracies rather than simply reacting to news.

Finally, the attack on Bret Kavanaugh was a well-coordinated conspiracy planned and executed by the Democrat Party’s leadership. The conspirators are still at it:


Anybody that believes the attack on Bret Kavanaugh was not a Democrat conspiracy must also believe in the tooth fairy.