Arizona audit update.....


fully immersed in faith..
to allay the concerns of those who feared the audit would be evicted......

The Arizona Senate-ordered audit of Maricopa County's general election will take a one-week hiatus at the end of the week to make way for high school graduations at Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix.

The plan is to move the ballots and equipment to another area of the Arizona State Fairgrounds on Friday and move back in May 23 to pick back up on May 24.

“We’ll stand aside and secure all the ballots and equipment here on the property and be ready to go when they’re finished,” said the state Senate's audit liaison, Ken Bennett.

Jen Yee, assistant executive director at the Arizona State Fair and Exposition, confirmed the plan on Monday, and the Senate on Wednesday extended its lease through June 30.
A right wing organization being paid to audit. They have no experience in elections or auditing. This was planned for a known result. Any guesses what they will come up with?
They deliberately did not allow the election officials who are Repubs to be involved. This is shameful, Trumpies being Trumpies.
A right wing organization being paid to audit. They have no experience in elections or auditing. This was planned for a known result. Any guesses what they will come up with?
They deliberately did not allow the election officials who are Repubs to be involved. This is shameful, Trumpies being Trumpies.

I guess they will find you folks committed fraud.......the real question is how, so we can keep you from doing it again......
do not fear, they will get the time they need to finish the audit.....or is that what you DO fear?.....

Ah, yes. The group that promised the audit would be done in 3 weeks is now taking at least 3 months. I don't have anything to fear from their incompetence. I wonder why they couldn't complete it on time, don't you?

What is going to be an interesting audit is the audit of the money the GOP spent on this. I wonder how much that will be and how happy it will make the AZ voters when they find out how much of their tax payer money was wasted.
Ah, yes. The group that promised the audit would be done in 3 weeks is now taking at least 3 months. I don't have anything to fear from their incompetence. I wonder why they couldn't complete it on time, don't you?

What is going to be an interesting audit is the audit of the money the GOP spent on this. I wonder how much that will be and how happy it will make the AZ voters when they find out how much of their tax payer money was wasted.
will it compare to what you spent on "Russian collusion"?.....
sweet, good reason to move to Arizona.......they must pay no federal income taxes there.........

PMS is living in a fantasy world. Arizona is a state, so you have to pay full federal income taxes there. If you are an American citizen, and make above a certain amount of money, you must pay federal income taxes anywhere in the world. But within the states, you must pay full federal income taxes. Arizona is not an exception.
I guess they will find you folks committed fraud.......the real question is how, so we can keep you from doing it again......

I guess that since they are committing fraud, it does exist. This is a criminal enterprise doing dirty work in the dark with our ballots. Of course, you are for it.
PMS is living in a fantasy world. Arizona is a state, so you have to pay full federal income taxes there. If you are an American citizen, and make above a certain amount of money, you must pay federal income taxes anywhere in the world. But within the states, you must pay full federal income taxes. Arizona is not an exception.

take it up with Saunders......he's the one who said the folks in Arizona didn't have to pay for the investigation of Russian koolusion.......
I guess that since they are committing fraud, it does exist. This is a criminal enterprise doing dirty work in the dark with our ballots. Of course, you are for it.

lol.....look at the demmycunt getting frantic about people catching him with his dirty little hands in the ballot box
A right wing organization being paid to audit. They have no experience in elections or auditing. This was planned for a known result. Any guesses what they will come up with?
They deliberately did not allow the election officials who are Repubs to be involved. This is shameful, Trumpies being Trumpies.

Well the far right is hell bent on taking over, we just need to keep an eye out and short circuit them where we can.

I plan on writing my representatives and getting them on record about all this.