Arizona's history of sucking

I looked at the site on the basis that if Yurt thinks it's stupid then there would be a high probability that it would be way cool. Dude, this is a way cool site!!
One compalint: The item under the year 1973 makes Arizona look superior to the other states. Real Time and Fake Time are enormously retarded, and a huge waste of my time. I've come really close to not setting my clock and subsequently being late to drill, because its never advertised anywhere, alongside the Emergency Broadcast System Tests, remember not to smoke, click-it or ticket, DUIs drool, and numerous other public service announcements.
DST is the worst idea in a long history of stupid ideas.

Farmer: Well I can get more work done early if I wake up earlier with more sunlight. I know! Let's fuck everyone else over for my time table.
DST is the worst idea in a long history of stupid ideas.

Farmer: Well I can get more work done early if I wake up earlier with more sunlight. I know! Let's fuck everyone else over for my time table.
I don't get why they can't just set the alarm earlier and why we even care? If you want another hour, just get up earlier... You're a farmer, you're the boss...

i can't stand DST

spent a year in the south pacific, no DST, it was today's economy it is not necessary, it once was necessary for school kids on farms, but that no longer applies, further, farmers can farm 24/7 now with their sweet machines that have gps....

obviously people in DC have never seen a modern farm
i can't stand DST

spent a year in the south pacific, no DST, it was today's economy it is not necessary, it once was necessary for school kids on farms, but that no longer applies, further, farmers can farm 24/7 now with their sweet machines that have gps....

obviously people in DC have never seen a modern farm
It wasn't necessary for school kids on farms, they could have simply changed the school hours and had their kids get up earlier in the rural areas without bothering others. Seriously, changing everybody's clocks because some kids need to milk the goats? Seriously bad reason to make a law. Where's the victim? What reason did the government need to get involved?
Fake Time is a fucking nuissance, and every state should move to repeal it. Or, at least my state should. You can all go on playing make-believe and what-not...
One compalint: The item under the year 1973 makes Arizona look superior to the other states. Real Time and Fake Time are enormously retarded, and a huge waste of my time. I've come really close to not setting my clock and subsequently being late to drill, because its never advertised anywhere, alongside the Emergency Broadcast System Tests, remember not to smoke, click-it or ticket, DUIs drool, and numerous other public service announcements.
Lighten up fly boy, it was a joke, get it, a joke?
DST aaaahhh not that's an exercise in true power that makes one gasp in awe at it's scope. Think about it? Once a year they can take away an hour and disrupt the lives of 300,000,000 people then, 6 months later just when they have adjusted to it, they give 300,000,000 people that hour back and disrupt their lives again. The mind fairly boogles at such an act of power.
I heard on Skeptoid that the only reason DST is still in practice is because the entertainment industry demands it. Industries like Golf make much more a year due to the extended daylight.
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It wasn't necessary for school kids on farms, they could have simply changed the school hours and had their kids get up earlier in the rural areas without bothering others. Seriously, changing everybody's clocks because some kids need to milk the goats? Seriously bad reason to make a law. Where's the victim? What reason did the government need to get involved?

i'm fairly positive back then that it was not "some" was a majority or close and it would be easier to reset the clocks nationally, rather than have schools do it for even a majority of kids, because not all kids need the extra time and you would be penalizing them if you changed the hours, changing the time alleviated that

but it is no longer necessary
I heard on Skeptoid that the only reason DST is still in practice is because the entertainment industry demands it. Industries like Gold make much more a year due to the extended daylight.
Dude, changing the clocks does nothing at all to extend daylight. If they want people there earlier, just give them a different schedule.