Arkansas Law Allows Any Age to Marry if Parents Agree


Arkansas Law Allows Any Age to Marry if Parents Agree

Friday, August 17, 2007

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — A law passed this year allows Arkansans of any age -- even infants -- to marry if their parents agree, and the governor may have to call a special session to fix the mistake, lawmakers said Friday.,2933,293636,00.html

Amazing...was this not Bill Clintons State?...Never mind if it were GW's y'all would be having a field day attacking George,his wife and predictable!
the shurb needs no trashing he has taken care of that :) I just comment on the things he has done to trash himself and my country.

You are like the kid caught in trouble and blaming it on the one that discovered your bad deed.
Whatever usc!

the shurb needs no trashing he has taken care of that :) I just comment on the things he has done to trash himself and my country.

You are like the kid caught in trouble and blaming it on the one that discovered your bad deed.

You blame everything on GW and family..even though his daughters have absolutely no control of what Dad did or did not do..almost every are the kid with the hand caught in the cookie jar!
Here is the real article. Some moron makes it sound like they INTENDED the law to let kids of ANY AGE marry. But that was NOT the intention. But like I said some fucking MORON wants to pretend that it was not a mistake in the printing of the bill.

Mistake in Arkansas Law Allows Any Age to Marry if Parents Agree
Friday, August 17, 2007

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — A law passed this year allows Arkansans of any age -- even infants -- to marry if their parents agree, and the governor may have to call a special session to fix the mistake, lawmakers said Friday.

The legislation was intended to establish 18 as the minimum age to marry but also allow pregnant teenagers to marry with parental consent, bill sponsor Rep. Will Bond said. An extraneous "not" in the bill, however, allows anyone who is not pregnant to marry at any age if the parents allow it.

"It's clearly not the intent to allow 10-year-olds or 11-year-olds to get married," Bond said. "The legislation was screwed up."

The bill reads: "In order for a person who is younger than eighteen (18) years of age and who is not pregnant to obtain a marriage license, the person must provide the county clerk with evidence of parental consent to the marriage."

A code revision commission -- which fixes typographical and technical errors in laws -- had tried to correct the mistake, but a group of legislators said Friday the commission went beyond its powers.

"You're either pregnant or you're not pregnant," Sen. Dave Bisbee said. "Rarely will that be a typographical error."

The Arkansas Legislative Council asked the independent commission to reverse its correction. Several lawmakers said a special session may be necessary.

"We need a special session to fix this," Sen. Sue Madison said. "I am concerned about pedophiles coming to Arkansas to find parents who are willing to sign a very young child's consent."

Before the new law took effect July 31, girls could get married with parental consent at 16 and boys at 17.

The Legislature formally adjourned its session in May and is not scheduled to meet again until January 2009, unless Gov. Mike Beebe calls a special session.

I tried to Copy and Paste slowly so you could read it easier and try to avoid your lips moving while you read to yourself.
BB did not even read it, he assumed I was basing bush or his daughters. don't know where the daughter stuff came from at all. what a dork.
You blame everything on GW and family..even though his daughters have absolutely no control of what Dad did or did not do..almost every are the kid with the hand caught in the cookie jar!
I have seen posters coming down on the daughters without cause. but I don't recall USC doing so. I may be wrong, but so might you.
Ohh I have picked on the bush girls a bit don, esp on the thread about Jenna getting married. I guess that is just rough on a Bush apologist.

But they are pretty much celeb status and are pretty much fair game except for really nasty stuff. In an old post I had praised Jenna for her overseas charity type of work.